hi besties i know that youre reading this

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Shawn POV

Its time

I'm going to make my move

Wait. I shouldn't make it obvious I want to go out with him to other people. How should I go about it?

Maybe I should do what works best. Threatening him into compliance.

I tapped on his shoulder to get his attention. Great he got mad

A/n I forgot the dialog for this part so were just getting his internal monolog haha

Time to get him scared enough to meet me during break.

I pass him a note threatening him that I would beat him to a pulp in front of everyone if he didn't comply.

*Sigh* well I guess that done. I may as well pay attention now. Wait, what are we even doing right now?

I turn to the girl next to me, Margaret , and ask her what were doing.

"Oh! Uhh. We're d-doing the l-lesson 5 vocab" She stammered

I can't tell if she has a crush on me, or is scared because of my reputation. I really hope it's the latter so I don't have to have a girl getting in the way of me and Dean.

I start to work. While I do it i glare at him a little bit to scare him just to make sure he comes.

Dean POV

It's time to pack up for second period and I can start to feel his eyes on me. I'm too scared to look at him but I can tell that he has a scowl on his face.

I've never been happier to get to got to math, on the opposite side of campus all the way in the 700 building.

I don't care if I have to do I-ready, it's still better than science. Hell, I would even rather get called a hyena by Mr. Steve all day.

Although it's kind of bitter sweet knowing that even if I get 45 minutes of peace right now, I'll be getting beat up during out 10 minute break.

Theres also the looming anxiety of whats to come.


Why can't I just go one day with out pissing someone off.

4 days ago I got applesauce thrown at me during lunch because I looked at someone wrong

Just yesterday I got tripped because I laughed at the wrong time and the kid who was walking past me thought I was laughing at him.

I may as well make the most of this time away from him and his cute, but evil, face.

The period goes way too fast for my liking and the bell rings far too soon.

I haven't prepared enough for this. I should have gone to the boxing lessons with my dad when I had the chance. I guess it's too late now.  Time to go to the 500 bathroom.

Shawn POV

As Ms. D tells us to start packing up I start to scowl at Dean just to make sure he gets the message that I'm serious about what I said.

As soon as the teacher lets us go, I see him walk out of the room as fast as possible.

Well, I guess I should start walking to the P.E building because even though its right next to my building, people get there fast and I don't want to have to resist the temptation to slap the kids ass who has to change next to me.

God I sound like such a creep.

Oh well, I may as well get changed quick so I can mess around with my friends while I wait for Mr. P to get out and send us on our daily lap around the track.

I finished faster than normal so I had some time to think about what I'm going to do during break. Maybe I'll just make out with him, maybe more.

Only time will tell.

The rest of the period finished up pretty quickly. We were playing football so it was pretty enjoyable.

I got changed pretty quickly and when the bell rang I rushed to the 500 building boys bathroom to wait for him.

In the bathroomWhere stories live. Discover now