. . . . chapter sixteen.

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[ CW : slutshaming ]

when the steak arrived in their table, raeil did not know how to eat it for there were too many knives and forks. doyoung noticed the struggle.

"excuse me, miss. which is which for these utensils? i'm having a hard time differentiating."

"you're rich, right? aren't you used to this kind of stuff?"

"nah, i don't go to these much," he said. "but i heard this restaurant is a 5-star michelin. expensive too. i just wanted to reserve the best for you, moonyoung."

"you say that to every girl you meet, don't you?"

"no. promise. you're the first."

with the least of her expectations, the perverted basketball coach and his friend from the smoking area earlier walked in. she hid behind the menu, fearing that he would blow her cover once she was recognized.

doyoung became confused.

"do you want to order something?"

"i— i— i'm looking for drinks. haha!"

his eyes focused on her shaky hands holding the menu, remembering that day she rambled about how alcohol kept her grounded.

"do you need beer? or soju? i heard they have it here."

"water. water is fine."

on the other table, the loudness of the friends' voices circulated.

"you should bring her here next time," his friend told him, but he was confused.


"the nurse at school you've been hitting on. the one with the bitch face."

"oh her? yeah, she's beautiful, but she wouldn't want me; she's chasing for old rich men. what do we expect from poor females with pretty privilege anyway?" the coach leaned closer to his friend, tone going deeper. "nurse in the morning, gold digger at night."

to divert her own attention, she chewed on a mushroom, making sure her fork hit the plate as loudly as possible to hear their voices less.

doyoung said, "don't force yourself to eat, moonyoung. you'll get sick."

"actually, i'm not feeling well. can we—"

couldn't even let her finish.

"did you see how slutty she dressed? walking in front all of those men? definitely looking for her moment to get played around by wealthy guys."

doyoung was way too bothered too. he couldn't just let all that happen and turn a blind eye on it and eat like nothing's happening. guilt would eat him up after that.

in a matter of seconds, he developed a plan.

"i'll just get drinks."

instead of actually going to the waiter and asking for more drinks with his glass in hand, he walked to the misogynistic coach's table, pouring the remaining champagne on his hair which soon trickled down his perfectly ironed suit.

mr. basketball coach jumped. "man, what the fuck? what's your problem?"

doyoung feigned shock, letting sarcasm drip from his expression.

"my hand slipped, sorry."

looking at what table this man came from, he saw the ms. nurse they were talking about as his date.

"ra— raei—"

both embarrassed and furious, she walked away, putting her handbag up to cover her face.

"use this for laundry." before calling it a day for the misogynist, he threw two 5,000 won bills on their table. "watch your fucking mouth from now on."

oh if only he wasn't in such a fancy restaurant. he would've done worse.

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while attempting to have her cinderella moment by running, she tripped over one of the steps, a bent ankle.


doyoung rushed to her right away, witnessing her entire falling and hearing how its sound resonated all over the restaurant's area. he came to the rescue like some knight in shining armor.


looking down, he realized she wasn't wearing those cute dollshoes he gave her. what's worse was she still had those oversized ones from their first day on. no wonder she lost balance.

doyoung clicked his tongue. nonetheless, his concern topped everything, so he could care less about her footwear preference. it only served as a minor detail.

"are you okay? does it hurt?"

she insisted, "i'm fine."

"i'll carry you."

"no, i can handle myself."

"how can you walk wearing th—"

"i know what i can do, okay?" she yelled, startling the man. never had he thought of her method of anger.

for a few moments, he let her do as she pleased. it was not going smoothly. her struggle to pick herself up was a painful sight.

once he went to the realization that he could not take it anymore, he pulled her arm around his shoulder which initiated her getting picked up bridal style.

her eyes went wide. she's convinced herself it was unwanted, yet she just didn't feel like shoving him away, so she just exclaimed: "what are you doing?"

"let's fix you up."

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