What the f*ck happened

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*the next morning*

You wake up and look around too see Natasha you get up .

"Ah, you're awake." Natasha said

"What the fuck happened." You asked

"Let me explain." Natasha said, you sat down on the chair next too her

"So" Natasha started, "you were on mission to get Yelena back or something you came us to us, not that smart of an idea by the way." She said 

"It wasn't my best moment." You said

"Anyways I put a smoke in you're face that make's Dreykov's mind control go away but then Yelena decided to knock you out so we brought you back here, now were here." She explained to you

"Wait mind control?" You asked

"Oh, yeah Dreykov has mind control over all the girls in the Red room, and we are trying to stop it." she said to you

"well I'm in I guess!" You say just as Yelena walks in.

"well you're awake" Yelena says,

"Thanks for knocking me out Yelena" you say in a sarcastic tone.

"oh it was no problem ." She says sarcastically.

Natasha sighs "well we should probably get some disguise's" she says.

"okay, but let's just not have your usual disguise's cause me and the reader know what that is" you look at yourself.


I will be adding myself in next chapter to break the fourth wall even more  


⨝ A Red Room Subject ⨝ | ⨝ A Yelena x Reader Fanfiction ⨝Where stories live. Discover now