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12 hours

Ash pulled up on the hill before the large metal cased building they'd got there almost 6 hours after the message had been sent unsure of who else it had been sent to they'd all jumped into the van. The signal form Avery's tracker was strong a least they couldn't find it being well hidden in her brain. Ash had insisted the help of a top brain surgeon and a family member to insert the little device which Matt had twisted her into having just in case something bad happened and boy he was glad that he had. They knew one day soon those pricks would be out of prison and would go in search of his sister purely for revenge.

Now that day had come and they had planned through what they were going to do to the T. It was a good plan all it required was the boys holding back until Matt had sound Avery and got sprung into those two assholes trap they'd all agreed they'd go in once the 48 hrs was almost up. They'd managed to obtain guns with silencers from people who worked for Mr. Winters who was only too happy to help.

They'd all spread across the hilled area around the warehouse it was all clear they gave Matt the signal and he made his way down the hilled area and into the building now all they had to do was wait and slip in and take the two pricks by surprise.

Matt trod carefully and silently through the building searching for any sign of Avery she had to be in here somewhere. He searched which felt like an eternity, until he came to a single room at the end of the corridor he hoped this one would be it. He slipped in after pushing the door open. He looked around the dusty room, then he saw it, a chair in the centre of the room he smiled knowing he'd found her, his sister. Avery,

He trod carefully and silently across the room to where the chair was situated and where Avery was sitting tied and gagged.

Matt bent down to unite her; he was the first there. He took the gag out of her mouth. 'What are you doing here Matt?'

'I've come to save my little sisters ass.'

'No you can't be here.'


'It's a trap.'

He ignored her, continuing to untie her.

'Please Matt get out of here you have Shawna to think about.'

'She knows.'

'Please Matt.' She begged. 'I'll get myself out of this.'

'Don't be so stubborn Avery. I'm getting you out of here.'

'Please Matt leave, think about Shawna, she's pregnant.'

'She's fine Avery she knows I'm here everything is going to be fine.'

'No it's not.'

The crack came to the back of his head he fell to the ground,unconscious

'Two down two more to go then it's bye bye.' Ryaln said, chuckling evilly.

Family ties #2 Bad boy seriesWhere stories live. Discover now