Chapter 1

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Amelia was in her room, listening to her Walkman and reading a Tiger Beat magazine when her mom suggested to her on socializing with the neighbor's grandsons. They already had a next door neighbor, Mr. Emerson, but his daughter and two grandsons were moving in with him. Amelia always found him to be pretty weird.  She would've argued that she didn't want to go or would've made a sarcastic remark, but she knew what her mother's response would've been and she obliged. She walked over to the house when a sandy blonde-haired boy walked over to the car. "You must be Mr. Emerson's grandson", she said.

"Yeah. You live next door, right?", asked the boy.

"Yes. My mom suggested on me coming over here to say hi to you guys", explained Amelia.

"Oh. Well, I'm Sam", he held out his hand.

"Amelia, but some people call me Mel", she said as she shook it. Telling from the colorful patterned T-shirt he was wearing, Amelia guessed that he might've been from California. The two of them went inside the house where she greeted Mr. Emerson , Sam's mother Lucy, and Michael who Amelia thought favored Jim Morrison. "Didn't think there were any other kids that lived around here?", said Sam.

"Well, welcome to Santa Carla. The place where all the weirdos live amongst themselves", Amelia said.

"Trust me, I've noticed"

"You get used to it after a while, especially those guys that wrap snakes around themselves"

Sam wasn't exactly like what Amelia expected. He later told her that he moved from Phoenix which flew the "Cali native" idea out the window. Then, a grey and white husky walked in the room. She knelt down to the dog's level and greeted him.

"Well, she's pretty friendly", Amelia said, still petting her. "What's her name?"

She continued to pet and talk to Nanook. Sam almost felt like a third wheel between the girl and his dog, not that he was jealous. He looked at the buttons pinned on Amelia's red varsity jacket, which included Batman, Prince, and Watchman. "Where did you get those?", he pointed them out.

"From a comic book store", she replied. "I've been collecting a bunch of them".

"They have a comic book store?"

"Yeah, it's down at the boardwalk"

Then, he suggested on her tagging along with him and Michael since they were planning on going there that night, and she agreed.

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