My life with One Direction ( Niall Horan love story)

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My name is Lyric Styles. Before you ask yes I am Harry Styles cousin. I'm 18, I'm a month younger than Harry. My parents have always hated me. They kicked me out yesterday. The only problem is I have no where to go.

I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have tons if freckles. I hate to be cliche but I'm like a blonde ginger.

Chapter 1

"Lyric get down here!" Yelled my mom

"Yes sir!" I yelled mocking her.

"Shut up! Just get your ass down here!" I was running down the stairs, when all of a sudden I tripped and fell. I am a major klutz.

"Why do you have to be so damn klutzy? Get your lazy ass up!"

"I'm fine mom, thanks for asking," I said with sarcasm dripping from my voice, "What do you want anyway?" I asked.

" I'm just telling you, your father and I have decided that since you turned 18 last week it's time for you to move out. You have an hour to pack as much as you can, then you're out."

"You can't kick me out I have no where to go!"

"59 minutes to go. Chop chop."

I stormed upstairs. I started packing everything I own, while trying to figure out where to go. That's when I decided to call Harry for some advice. Who knew that one phone call could change my life.

"Hello?" Harry answered.

"Hey Harry, it's Lyric."

" LYRIC!!! How are you? What's going on? Are you okay? Do I need to come over and beat someone - "

"Harry stop!" You said giggling, "I need to ask you some advice"

" O ok. What's up?"

" What should I do? My parents kicked her me out and I have no where to go."

" Why are you trying to figure it out? Come stay with me and the boys!"

"I don't want to inconvenience you guys."

"You won't, besides they've wanted to meet you ever since I talked about you, which as they say is a lot. And I miss you I haven't seen you in two years. Ever since I've joined the band, I never get to see you."

"I would, but I don't have the money to buy the plane ticket"

"Don't worry about it. I got this"

1 hour later

I was in my favorite cafe, Savy's Diner, it's just like the diners in the 50's. when my phone started ringing.

" Hello?" I answered.

" Lyric go to the airport now. Your flight leaves in 45 minutes. Love you."

" Love you too, Harry" I say while smiling and shaking my head.

40 minutes later

" Final boarding call" blared the intercom.

I went and sat down on my seat. I was extremely nervous. I had never been on a plane.

A couple hours later

The was landing. My knuckles were as white as a ghost. My stomach felt nausea. We finally landed, I was the first off the plane.

I'm only 5'5, so I'm a lot shorter than most people are a lot taller than me. I was trying to look for Harry, when all of a sudden I heard a deep raspy voice yell " LYRIC!!!!" I turned around and saw my curly haired cousin sprinting toward me. He was about a foot away from me when he tripped over someone's luggage.

I was laughing so hard I was rolling on the ground crying.

" That's no way to treat your favorite cousin and the person housing you" he said with a smirk on his face.

"You would laugh if it was me, klutz" I said with a smirk on my face.

" Look boys she has the famous Style's smirk," said Niall Horan.

"Well I am a Style," I said, "But just so all of you are aware I am the cooler Styles."

" You wish shorty" said Harry.

" I told you never to call me shorty" I growled.

" yea yea. Anyways let me introduce you to the boys. Boys this is Lyric Styles. Shorty these are the Boys."

" Hi I'm - "

"Liam, you're Zayn, you're Louis, and you're Niall. Guys my cousin's in a band with you. I am a fan you know. And he's told me plenty of things about you four."

"What kind of things?" Asked Liam.

" That's for me to know and for you to wonder." I said with a cheeky smile.

"Look she has the trade mark smile" said Niall.

"C'mon boys and shorty. We have to get a move on if we want to leave before the fans get here" said Liam.

We all got in the pedophile van.

" You realize that this looks like a raper van right?" I said/asked.

" That's the look we're going for" said Louis. Everyone was cracking up from our conversation.

30 minutes later

"Are we there yet?" I asked for the 50th time.

"If we weren't there five seconds ago, what makes you think we are there now?" Asked Louis.

"Well since we are going 50 mph and we are cover a mile every minute and a half, and your house is 30 miles from the airport, I figure-"

" Okay we get it your a math genius. Would you shut it now." Said Louis.

"Hmph. Well then, we'll see who my favorite is after this week"

"Would you both shut up we're here" said Harry from behind the drivers seat. I looked up and was in awe. The house was huge!

Chapter 2

"It's huge!" I yelled, " Hahahaha. That's what she said."

All the boys started cracking up. When they calmed down. They looked at me confused.

" I've never met a girl with a dirty mind" said Zayn.

"Well you're in for a treat. She is the master of dirtiness. This girl is a major tomboy. She hates dresses and girly things." Replied Harry.

"We love you Lyric" they said in unison with awed looks on their faces.

" Well boys I'm going inside to eat. I'm starving!" I said.

They stared at me as I left.

Harry's P.O.V

" Niall she eats more than you, so you might want to go save some while you can." I said.

Niall jumped out of the car and ran inside the house. We all piled out after him. We walked into the kitchen to see food everywhere.

"What the hell happened in here?!" Zayn yelled.

"Niall tried to take my food" Lyric said

"Well she tried to egg me"

" Niall just pick this up" Liam replied.

"Why me she started it!"

"Because she's the house guest"

"Lyric behave yourself. I'll show you your room now." I said

Lyric's P.O.V

I walked away sticking my tongue out at Niall. He was smiling at me. I need to watch my back he might get revenge. I was walking down the hall with Harry and all my thoughts kept drifting towards Niall.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 28, 2013 ⏰

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