Perfect Boy [2]

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Wilbur sat at the dining table doing his homework, whilst listening to some lofi in his earbuds. His parents were arguing in the kitchen, and Wilbur was trying his best to drown them out. At this point, he wish they'd just break up already. Wilbur was so tired of listening to this shit.

He finished the last question on the math assignment and grinned in triumph. He stood up, grabbing his phone, and his completed stack of homework and ran upstairs. He stuffed his homework into his backpack and flopped onto his bed. When he took out his earbuds the sound of his parents fighting got louder.

The chocolate brown haired boy groaned and rolled over, stuffing his face into his pillow. Unlike every main character in movies, who's parents fought, he never became a bitch because of it. Wilbur's parents had their problems, and Wilbur wasn't going to start his own because of their's. 

Wilbur was an A+ student, football captain, and overall pretty popular. He was considered perfect. Heck, he wouldn't admit it, but he felt perfect. He had the perfect natural body, georgous hair, and good style. He was the kind of kid parents compair their own to. 

Wilbur sat up and grabbed his phone, he saw he had a text from Quackity.


I'm bored

Wilbur laughed slightly, Quackity had been his best friend ever since he moved here. And one of the main factors of him being popular, because Quackity was popular. 


What do you want me to do about it?


Idk, entertain me dick head


Nah, I'll see you tmr at school. 

Wilbur grinned, proud of himself for succesfully teasing his friend. Wilbur's eyes fell to the time in the corner of his screen and he made a face, One A.M., ugh homework took forever. Wilbur got up to turn off his lights but stopped when he saw something breeze past his window. 

He looked and saw a boy, or maybe a girl, Wilbur couldn't tell, riding a skateboard by his window. The brunette watched as the person stopped their skateboard, kicked it up into their hands, and tucked it under their arm. Wilbur's gaze never broke from the boy as he watched as they walked up to the house next to him, and them knock. The porch light lit up their features and Wilbur admired their looks, whatever their pronouns were, they were georgous. Fluffy brown hair that covered their forehead, beautiful gray eyes, perfectly pink lips. That was someone anyone could fall for. 

The door opened and the perfect person grinned. Wilbur watched them get pulled inside, and the door shut. Wilbur frowned, not being able to see them anymore, and walked away from his window. He continued what he was doing earlier, turning off his light, and getting into bed.

The next morning he woke up to his blaring alarm. Wilbur groaned and rolled over, hitting the snoze button an unnecessary amount of times, before getting up groggily. He changed into a white turtle neck and tan dress pants. After starring in the mirror until he convinced himself the outfit was fine, he continued to morning routine.

He grabbed his backpack and bounded down the stairs, grabbed a breakfast bar, and walked out the door. He was planning on walking, but saw a familiar truck in the driveway. Quackity leaned over from the passenger seat and honked the horn. Wilbur laughed, rolling his eyes, and ran up to the car, getting in the backseat.

"Hey losers!" He bantered.

Quackity laughed, "You're one to talk."

Charlie laughed, rolling his eyes at his two friends before pulling out of the driveway. 

The three drove to school, making jokes back and forth until they got to school. Wilbur jumped out of the car, and leaned against it. The three continued to talk, waiting for the bell to ring. Wilbur, who wasn't really paying attention to the conversation anymore, let his eyes drift. His eyes lit up when he saw a certain someone from last night. 

They were sitting on the hood of the car, smoking a cigarette as they talked with someone. Wilbur watched them with love in his eyes, not noticing his friends trying to get his attention.

"Wilbur!" Quackity yelled, hitting Wilbur's shoulder.

Wilbur jumped and turned around, "Yea?"

Charlie made a face, "You good? You've been zoned out for like 10 minutes." 

Wilbur nodded sheepishly, "Yea i'm okay." His eyes wandered back to them.

"Well, what I was trying to say was, do you want to go to a party with me and charlie tonight?" Quackity continued.

Wilbur shrugged, "Sure." 

Charlie  followed Sapnap's gaze and grinned, "Oo, someone has a crush."

Wilbur's face heated up and he looked away quickly. "Shut up." 

Quackity laughed, "Do you even know who he is?"

Wilbur looked at Quackity, "No, who is he??" 

Quackity laughed, "He's no good, that's what he is. He's gotten with every guy in the school, he smokes, drinks, sneaks out. Like god, you can't seriously like him?"

Charlie rolled his eyes, "Karl, his name is Karl. He's actually pretty nice if you get to know him, he just has issues at home is all." 

"Every guy?" Wilbur repeated worriedly. 

"Every. Guy. Well every guy who is gay, and not already taken. But every guy sounds more  intense." Quackity replied.

Wilbur frowned, "Well, there goes my highschool sweetheart." 

Charlie laughed sympathetically, putting a hand on Sapnap's shoulder, "Don't worry, you'll find one soon enough." 

Wilbur scoffed, "Easy for you to say." He replied, looking back and forth from quackity and charlie. 

Quackity blushed madly, "Shut up." He said, burrying his head on Charlie's shoulder. 

Wilbur laughed slightly, and let his eyes fall back on the boy. Eh, I never had a chance anyways. 

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