ACT-6~The fight of our lives_part-2

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Izuku pov

titan stood before. The gap between us was too wide. He was stronger. Faster. More experienced. This was not a simple practice battle. There are no do-overs. No back-up. I was alone. But i didn't tremble from fear. I stared at him dead in in the eye.

He smirked and prepared his fist. It disappeared. All he needed was a single punch. I was done for. But i closed my eyes and focused on the wind. I could feel it coming. I quickly used the technique i used on the entrance exam. All the wind in the room came under my command. I summoned it to my foot. Titan's killer fist bashed on the ground. When the smoke cleared titan frowned. No blood. He looked around and saw me standing a few feet away panting.

He looked at me annoyed and said:"You are already tired. Was dodging one strike your plan? " i didn't reply. He was right. This technique required every ounce of my energy to perform. My entire body felt as if it was ripped apart. I wanted to lie down and pass out so badly. But i held on gritting my teeth. Wind rustled around my feet. It was slowly shifting around to form a tiny compressed cyclone. My plan was to collect enough wind and blast him off with a gigantic blue dragons kick.

Titan again came at me with his fist aimed to kill. The wind resonated and i disappeared again. PAIN! He struck again. MORE PAIN! He struck faster. IT HURTS SO BAD! his punches turned blurry. AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGH!!!!. I used all my wind without holding back. Blood was coming out of my eyes, ears, nose and mouth. But i held on. I shouldn't give up. I couldn't give up.

The cyclone in my leg was getting faster. Faster than any other blue dragons kick i had done in my life. I smirked in the middle of all the pain.
But Suddenly.....

Everything went wrong. My heart started hurting. It was a pain like noting i had ever felt before. I clutched my heart in pain. Wind from my legs dissipated. 'Nononono!'.I sat on the ground clutching my heart that felt like it was about burst. 'This can't happen now'. Sounds blurred in my ears. 'I was so close'.

My heart was going to cardiac arrest from my quirk overuse. I could vaguely hear titan laughing. Tears slowly formed in my eyes. I though:'i am sorry guys. I failed y'all'. I raised my hands in the form of a guard to protect myself from titan's punch. He raused his arm and closed my eyes in fear.

I waited for pain to come. But i felt nothing. I wondered:'is this death?'i slowly opened my eyes to see. Suddenly my eyes widened. A gigantic fist was hovering a few centimeters infront my eyes. Wind was forming a huge barrier infront of me. Bigger than any barrier i had ever made in my life. And it was blocking titans punch.

I don't know who was more surprised! Me or titan. I suddenly felt the wind around me. But it was unlike anything before. I wasn't simply manipulating the wind. I was one with the wind. It was inexplicable feeling. Thats when i truly realized it. I ran my hand through my hair to confirm it. A few strands of hair was plucked out. But instead of green, it was white. Pure white.

Quirk evolution. Training your quirk until it reaches a transcendal state. I had read about it in medical books. It was apparently a mere hypothesis with no evidence to support its existence. And yet here i was. The world's first evolved quirk user.

This wasn't a result of a single fight. This was the result of my years of effort, of my pain and my resilience.

I simply felt the wind in my hands. Titan immediately backed away from me as if some sort instinctive fear. His face showed a foriegn expression which i had never seen on him before. Fear! He knew he had to strike now if he wanted to live. He summoned all his energy in his hands and rushed in towards me. Unlike before i could clearly see his movements. I simply stood on the exact spot. This was a perfect chance to test my limits.

His fist came crashing down with enough force to give all might a run for his money. But i stood on the exact same spot. I simply concentrated on the wind to form a barrier. His fist stopped two meters away from me. He then sent a barrage of attacks at me yelling a the while. But all he hit was....well wind!

He was visibly panicking now. He used every bit of his energy but it still gave the exact same result. I thought:'defence is good. What about offence?? ' i then began twisting wind around my legs into cyclone. But i was nothing like ever before. The wind moved at a ridiculous velocity. The entire room started shaking. Titan punched even fiercly. The wind soon reached a satisfactory velocity.

I lifted my leg in a simple tae-kwondo back kick. *BOOM*. A gigantic dragon bigger than any of my blue dragon kicks escaped my legs. With a blink of my eyes it went right through titan. He shrieked in pain yelling :"AAAARGH". The shaking subsided. And titan stood there.

Suddenly blood came out from all over his body and he fell down. I stood there for a second and looked around. I saw the other inmates looking at me as if trying to figure out what to do with me.

I paid no attention to them and walked towards monkey. His body was a wreck. But multiple healers were healing him. I smiled at him. I asked:"yo. You alive? " he laughed at me and said:"i aint gonna die that easy. " he then looked me in the eyes: "thank you. For... Everything." I smiled replied winking :"its cool. Thats what friends are for." He then asked me: "so you are the boss. Huh? Watcha gonna do now." I replied smiling slyly:" hey you said that this the first level of tartarus right. How many levels are there? "

Monkey said with wide eyes:" you seriously aren't thinking-" i cut him off and said while twisting the wind around my fist :"yup. Its time to clear the trash in tartarus. "

To be continued....

god izukuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें