Reluctantly, I gathered my stuff and hurried down the lobby where I met the very person I've been avoiding.

"Nice legs," Zach remarked with a whistle.

"What are you doing here?" was my lame greeting though I already knew the reason. Apparently my hiding from him was over. Yet I couldn't believe seeing him face-to-face after badly ending our last call would still be so overwhelming. The corners of my eyes almost seared with tears, my face almost split with a smile. I seriously thought he finally got tired of me.

We met halfway and it was he who offered a hug first as if nothing happened between us. Normally, we would just tap each other's back or do a high five. But this time, a nice, warm and long embrace was necessary. It was so like Zach to offer truce even when I was the one at fault, not that we fought a lot. He tightened his embrace before releasing me. And just...stared.

"I couldn't wait anymore," Zach said his eyes gleaming. "It's the best way to catch you before I get swarmed by girls on lunch break," he continued smugly as we started to walk to the Berkeley Gym.

I snorted and playfully punched his arm. "Yeah, 'cos you're a hotshot now."

"Hey, hey...Don't forget you still owe me for obviously avoiding me last year. The least you could do is to agree with everything I tell you today."

"Right, right," I chuckled, knowing he had a point. "You're looking great yourself," I commented belatedly although he always made sure to look good no matter the occasion was.

"That's better...and like I said..." He scanned me again from head to toe,"...nice legs."

If he was alluding to my legs fully recovered, I didn't want to clarify with him. And I also did not want to know if he was pointing out how much skin I was exposing. Which was weird. I had been in shorts whenever we had practice back in high school. What difference did it-

"I'm wearing cyclings under this thing, Anderson," I snapped at him and he laughed. "Such a caveman."

"So, how's Reagan treating you?" Zach diverted.

So this was where the catching up begins. Immediately, I felt like I had to be guarded. "Good. Since senior year, I have adjusted well, I think. You?"

He pulled at his sweatshirt's neckline and gave me that wicked smile of his. "I didn't even break a sweat."

Zach wasn't bragging. It was true. He was just so friendly and accommodating he could win Mr. Congeniality if they were giving that award in the Sports Fest.

"Guess I shouldn't have asked that 'coz it's a given, huh?" I mused, leading the way to Coach Lima's small office at the Stanley Hall, Berkeley's pool and gym area. "I heard you're in the Soccer Team."

"And Basketball," he corrected, smugly.

"Yeah? Because playing one sport is not enough to make you popular among the girls?"

"Not popular enough, apparently," he sighed before coming up with a question I'd been hoping he wouldn't bring up. " are you?"

"I'm fine," I answered too quickly.

"Woah, you don't have to sound defensive."

"I'm not being defensive." I filled my lungs with air and expelled it before speaking. "I just don't want to talk about whatever happened." And that included leaving California, the injuries and everything in between.

"Who was talking about the past? I simply wanted to know how you're doing," he defended.

"I already said I'm fine, gahd."

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