bonus chapter

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Mina sat on the couch playing on her phone as jr came in and sat across from her

Mina"heya jr!"

Jr"sup...whatcha playing?"

Mina"among us, wanna play"

Jr"sure, don't got nothing better to do"jr pulled out his phone as Mina created a game and texted some other students from class 1a and 1b and soon they joined

Pikaboi joined the game
Redriot joined the game
Tape joined the game
Killercrocx joined the game
Setsunarex joined the game
Bighands joined the game
Broccoli joined the game
Todoroki joined the game
Tenya Iida joined the game
Grape joined the game

The game opened up on the skeld as everyone moved to do there task's Killercrocx emptied the garbage as Setsunarex moved to weapons, over in electrical broccoli killed alien queen and vented as todoroki came in and reported the body

Todoroki"I found the body in electrical"

Killercrocx"this early damn!?"

Redriot"I was heading into storage I saw Deku head into electrical, if that helps"

Deku"can't be me I was in medbay"

Setsunarex"yea I saw when I went in to scan"

Pikaboi"what if it was a self report?"

Todoroki"I did not kill Mina"

Tape"got any proof?"


Setsunarex"I don't think it was todoroki but it probably wasn't broccoli either" killercrocx, tape and pikaboi voted for todoroki as todoroki voted for broccoli and setsunarex, grape, tenya Iida, Redriot, broccoli, bighands voted skip

No one was ejected(skipped)

Setsunarex went to medbay as broccoli followed Pikaboi to communications and killed him he then ran into shields and vented to navigations where he found tape and followed him into admin as he waited for kill to recharge when it did he killed him and vented, as over in storage killercrocx came out and moved into communications and reported the body



Todoroki"it was not me"

Redriot"kinda Sus ngl"


Setsunarex"yea that's kinda Sus Todo"

Todoroki"but I'm not the imposter!"

Tenya Iida"todoroki you are indeed being very Sus"

Broccoli"you are quite a sissy Baka"

Todoroki"what!?"everyone voted todoroki as it ejected him

Todoroki was not the imposter

Redriot moved into storage as he emptied the garbage only to be killed by broccoli who ran down the hall into weapons as kill recharged where he found grape and killed him and vented into navigation and then into shields as tenya ran into storage and reported redriots body

Tenya Iida"I found kirishima's body in storage I believe it was jr"

Killercrocx"got any proof it was me"

Tenya Iida"....I have a hunch"


Setsunarex"I was in security and saw bighands going from storage into admin"

Bighands"it wasn't me!"

Killercrocx"you have been very quite"

Bighands"it wasn't me!"the majority of the group voted bighands as bighands voted for tenya Iida

Bighands was not the imposter

Setsunarex ran around the skeld with no tasks to do, she ran into navigation as she found broccoli and was killed, broccoli vented into shields and ran into communications and then into storage as he killed Killercrocx

Imposter wins

Broccoli"no one ever expects the cinnamon roll"

Tenya Iida"very well done midoriya"

Alien queen"bruh! I died so fast what gives!?"


Todoroki" told you it wasn't me"

Tape"good job broccoli"

Killercrocx"I was starting to think it was Setsuna"

Setsuna"Why'd you think it was me"

Tenya Iida"alright everyone it is getting late, we should all be in bed!"with that everyone logged off and went to bed


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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