Chapter 4

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Jennette waited for Athanasia in her room, alone, for hours on end.

She wasn't sure how long it's been but when standing out on her balcony she could see that the sun had gone down, and was replaced with a full moon to illuminate the sky.

The sky was covered in stars, it was the most pleasant sight she has ever laid eyes on. It was as if someone had sprinkled glitter across the sky.

"How pretty," she mumbles to herself, "I wonder if Athanasia would like to see this with me when she's back?" she leaned against the balustrade with her head resting on her palm.

A gust of wind blew against her hair, scattering it everywhere and out of place. "Oh no!" she quickly smoothes out her hair back to place, "They have to be perfect by the time Athy's back."

As the wind starts picking up she looks back into her room to head back inside, but as she takes her first step an unfamiliar voice stops her.

Why are you being so obedient?

"W-What?" she frantically looks around her, searching for the source of the voice to no avail.

Search all you want, but I'm just a voice in your head.

"My head, but why?" she starts twirling her hair uncomfortably, the action suppressing the anxiety bubbling inside of her. The feeling was worse than having butterflies in her stomach.

No clue, but I do know one thing. I'm here to help.

"Help? But I don't need help, I am very much capable of dealing with my problem!" she exclaims into the air. Her voice echoed into the distance, leaving her to think about her action. "It's right, I do need help."

See, I'm here to help you. The only thing you have to do is to listen to the voice, and everything will make sense.

"No, I don't trust you! I only trust Athanasia."

Right, your sister. But let me ask, can you trust her? Isn't she being too nice to you?

"N-No you're wrong. She would never betray me," she mumbles, unsure if she could even trust her word.

Are you sure?

"I-I..." as the word died in her voice, she was caught off guard when a hand was placed on top of her shoulder. She jerked away from the contact and turned around to reveal the suspect.

The person she saw was Athanasia, with both of her hands up in the air while one was holding a medium size bag.

"What's gotten you so tense Jennette? You were talking to yourself out here so I wanted to check."

"Talking..., wait how much did you see!" she exclaims with a blush covering her face.

"Enough to see you screaming into the air." Athanasia chuckles awkwardly as she watches Jennette covering her face in shame.

"Ahhh, so embarrassing!"

Athanasia shocked her head from side to side before leaning next to Jennette with the mysterious bag held up in the air. "If you stop your rambling, then maybe we could eat these pastries."

That seems to do the trick as Jennette's expressions seem to change instantly to an ecstatic expression. "Why didn't you mention it sooner! Let's go inside."

As Jennette held Athanasia's hand she began leading her back inside, but she was surprised when she was wrapped in a warm embrace.

"Hey Jennette, I need to ask you something," Athanasia whispered to her, "Have you been hearing voices?"

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