The Quidditch Final

Start from the beginning

Harry, Danny and Ron all make furious moves towards Malfoy, but Hermione and I get there first - SMACK!

Hermione has slapped Malfoy with all the strength she can muster. Malfoy staggers. I bring my fist to his face with a loud THWACK! And he falls to the floor, hastily scrambling painfully to his feet a few seconds later, but not before I kick him in the gut. Harry, Danny, Ron, Crabbe and Gregory stand flabbergast as Hermione and I raise our hands again.

"Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul - you evil -" I say, but Draco kisses me, hard and passionate, cutting off my words.

"I've missed you," he whispers.

"Hermione! Dawn!" says Ron weakly, and he tries to grab our hands as we swing them back.

"Get off, Ron!" says Hermione.

Hermione pulls out her wand. I just stand there looking at Draco. He steps backwards. Crabbe and Gregory look at him for instructions, looking thoroughly bewildered.

"C'mon," Draco mutters, and the next moment, all three of them have disappeared into the passageway to the dungeons, but not before Gregory stops and gives me a long, searching look.

"I wouldn't hurt you," he says, before following after his friends.

"Hermione! Dawn!" Ron says again, sounding both stunned and impressed.

"Harry, you'd better beat him in the Quidditch final!" I say shrilly. "You just better had, because I can't stand it if Slytherin win!"

"We're due in Charms," says Ron, still goggling at Hermione and me. "We'd better go."

But Hermione and me ditch them, needing to use the Time-Turners to get to a different lesson. Draco comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"Want to give us another try?" he whispers into my hair.

"Sure," I smirk. "Tell Cassius Warrington I'm breaking up with him, will you?"

"No need. He'll see us together soon enough," he noses my neck, but it doesn't feel sexual at all. It's more of a cute way. "That's the image you want, right?"

I smirk again. At least Draco understands. My first real victim is here.


I am in a nice place, a happy place. Gregory and me and sitting on the banks of Hogwarts, lying on a picnic blanket, hand in hand. Our faces turn to each other, and he leans in. I close my eyes and wait for the kiss that will put everything wrong in my world right. The kiss that will make me feel OK again. But it doesn't come.

Suddenly the ground shakes and Gregory disappears. Slowly the scene changes to darkness and I'm left alone and confused. Where am I?

Then I feel a sharp pain, and I open my eyes.

"W-what?" says Hermione, who has just awoken with a start beside me, both of us staring wildly around. "Is it time to go? W-which lesson have we got now?"

We are sitting at a table, our Arithmancy books in front us, which we must have been using as pillows. Harry, Danny and Ron are beside us. We must have been fast asleep.

"Divination, but it's not for another twenty minutes," says Danny. "Hermione, Dawn, why didn't you come to Charms?"

"What? Oh no!" I squeak. "We forgot to go to Charms!"

"But how could you forget?" says Harry. "You were with us till we were right outside the classroom!"

"I don't believe it!" Hermione wails. "Was Professor Flitwick angry? Oh, it was Malfoy, we were thinking about him and we lost track of things!"

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