~ Prolouge : The Beginning of the End ~

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As a young girl, I had always had a thing for medical stuff, and I wasn't ever sure why. I was always told by my family as I grew up to enroll in the Survey Corps as one of their nurses, so I could benefit from my talent. I always shook it off, saying that I would probably find another profession I was more comfortable with. Little did I know that Nursing would be my greatest power, and that I would meet someone very special to me in the future during my career.

Growing up in the Shiganshina District near Wall Maria, there was always talk about the mighty titans that roamed on the opposite side of the walls, and how they would spare not a living soul. My father was a soldier in the Garrison Regiment, so I would always see him constantly on patrol. My mother would stay at home with my younger brother and I, taking care of us when father wasn't around. My younger brother, Terrance, had three friends, who we would only see so often since they lived near the outskirts of the town. Terrance would usually run to the outskirts when the Scouts came home, joining his friends as they watched in awe. I would usually go after him, watching the four kids and making sure they behaved. Although they were still quite young, the one named Eren always said he would join the Scout Regiment to extinguish the titans. His friends, Mikasa and Armin, would object. Terrance, on the other hand, completely agreed. 

" We can crush the titans together! " He pumped a fist in the air. 

" Terrance! Mother won't let you, so don't get your hopes up! " I scolded him. Being the rebellious pair, Eren and Terrance would often get hurt trying to 'prove' themselves, and I would put my nursing skills to work. Wrapping bleeding wounds, applying burn ointment, you name it, I've done it. I was always told by my mother that I would need to seek interest in something special, such as becoming a Military Police Woman or a Nurse, since I had a specialty for treating wounds of all kinds. Being raised with a family member in the Garrison, I didn't want to just walk around doing nothing all day. I'm not slandering my father, but I just felt as if his job was to just stand around. My thoughts about my father changed that day when the walls were attacked by the Colossal Titan. I was 15 at the time, but the memory still haunts me to this day.

I was watching my little brother play outside of our home , when the yellow - green lightning flashed in the sky. People began to chatter, some running over to the walls to see what had occurred. But that's when everyone went silent as a huge, red hand gripped the wall. My eyes widened in terror as the titans huge head loomed over the town.

I was paralyzed in absolute terror. My brother screamed as I grabbed his hand in fear and ran inside. 

" What was that flash, Tiffany?! " My mother yelped as I let go of my brother. Before I could respond, a huge boom echoed through the air, followed with blood-curdling cries.


My mother and I exchanged horrified faces. My brother began to wail as my mother grabbed a bag and began to pack our necessities. 

" We have to leave now! " My mother screeched as she quickly snatched up my sobbing sibling. The door to our house burst open, revealing my father in a worried panic. 

" Go! Hurry! People are going to be led to the evacuation boats, so go before a crowd forms! " He yelled as a furious wind began to blow. We ran alongside a long river, making our way towards Wall Maria. I could see the boats being prepared up ahead, people beginning to form a small line to get inside. Terror reigned as I fled with my family to safety. I looked behind me, regretting it immediately. Debris was flying through the air as the Colossal Titan destroyed the gate leading outside Shiganshina, enormous boulders crushing civilians left and right. Cries of sorrow and fright echoed throughout the settlement, making the adrenaline in my body pump faster. My father urged us onto the boat, helping us get on one by one. He too leaped on, sitting down alongside us. I watched in panic as titans began to flood inside the walls, their hideous faces smiling as they began to devour people like there was no tomorrow.

A Nurse on the Battlefield { Levi Ackerman x F. Reader }Where stories live. Discover now