???: Haha very funny.

Y/n: I'm sorry, kanade. That was to tempting not to do.

Kanade: So what are you buying today?

Y/n: just some food for dinner tonight, so tsubasa still at school.

Kanade: Yeah, she still has two more classes. So do you have some time.

Y/n: Sure, why.

Kanade: let's go then.

Y/n: Hold on, let me bring the groceries walked over to the B/n. 

Once your'e there kanade got on the bike.

Y/n: Ummm... What are you doing?

Kanade: I'm going with you, that way you can't bail out on me, and I have yet to see where you live these past 2 years.

Y/n: Alright you win, but only if you put on a spare helmet.

Kanade put on the helmet and sniffed it.

Kanade: It smells like another girl, do you have a girlfriend?

Y/n: *little blush* no a friend of mine was late for school, so I let her ride on the back.

Kanade: So~does that mean you're still single?

Y/n: Yeah, so what about it?

Kanade: Oh nothing. *whispers* that's good to hear that.

Y/n: Why do you always have to be teasing type?

Kanade: *smiles* because your reaction is funny to watch.

Y/n: S-shut up, let's just go already.

Y/n puts his helmet and got on the bike. Once on the bike kanade grabbed around Y/n and squeezed herself to him, making Y/n blush.

Kanade: *Teases* am I holding you tightly enough? Or do I need to squeeze myself more against you.

Y/n: No this is fine. *thoughts* Does she always do this sort of thing to me, but I feel really comfortable right... What am I saying, this is just a reward nothing more.

Y/n started the engine and drove to his apartment.

After a few minutes they are arrived at Y/n's apartment.

Y/n: Well, here we are.

 Kanade: What a big building.

Y/n: C'mon let's go up.

Y/n and kanade took the left to the seventh floor and went to Y/n's apartment.

Y/n: Welcome to my humble home kanade.

Kanade: Nice place you got here Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks.

Y/n put the groceries on the kitchen table.

Y/n: So where do you want to go~? Kanade where are you?

Y/n looked around in the house and found kanade in his bedroom on his bed completely...sleeping.

Y/n: Sheesh and you really wanted to go somewhere.

Y/n covered kanade with a blanket.

Y/n: To be honest when she's sleeping like this she looks kinda cute, but when she's awake she can be such a troublesome woman and sometimes teasing me.

Y/n walked  out of the bedroom and put the groceries away in the cupboards, then he sat down on the couch and watched some tv.

About 30 minutes later Y/n heard some sounds from the bedroom and shortly after the door opened.

The Armored Nexus Warrior (Netflix! Ultraman X Symphogear)Where stories live. Discover now