☀️Chapter 29 - The Reckless Monkeys☀️

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It was Karasuno with 26 and Date Tech with 27, it was intense with everyone sweating. Everyone had no energy left but neither of the teams gave up, it was Date Tech's turn to serve again.

Daichi got it up, Suga setting it up to Tanaka and Date Tech setting up their own attack. It was continuesly passed back and forth until Asahi was up to spike, using all his might to spike and broke through the Iron Wall.

The whistle blew, signaling the end of the matches. It was a tie, both teams were out of breath and everyone sped to their waterbottles and sat on the ground dead.

Their coaches laugh at them, it was vivid and nerve-wracking that no one could keep up. It was great for Karasuno's first match.

Date Tech and Karasuno congratulated eachother with the tall white hair and Asahi handshaking. They went to their next match and promised to meet afterwards.

Karasuno switched with Aoba Johsai and onto court B, with Johzenji High. The team read their slogan, it seemed to described the team in a nice way. Theirs did too but really simple.


"Alright, I know you're tired from the last BUT try to loosen up and get into game mode!" The team wearily nodded their heads determined, they got into their positions. Kageyama, Asahi, Tanaka at the front with Daichi, Shoyo and Noya at the back.

"Heads Johzenji High, tails Karasuno." It flipped onto tails, Karasuno earning the first serve. Daichi got it up nice an high for the right side to struggle, but it was set up high and fast being spiked by a pierced blonde jumping as high as Shoyo. Amazing.

"Yosh!" The pierced blonde's fist pumped up and high-fived his entire team, damn were they good. Karasuno got a taste of them, they weren't going to be tricked again. Johzenji High rotated, another teammate served straight to Shoyo in the back, he reached infront of him and it got up. It wasn't high enough for Kageyama to set it to Asahi but he thought Tanaka could possibly do it, which was sadly blocked.

It was Date Tech all over again, no way were these bozos going to ruin their match. It was served over to Daichi, diving and getting it up nice and high, easy enough for a grand slam. Asahi jumped and slammed it over the blockers but the ball landed out, another point for Johzenji High.

"Fuck!" Kageyama cursed out, frustration evident on his face and to be fair the whole team were the same except for two certain expressionless fry and chibi. Nonetheless, they continued and were able to get a good attack, shocking the other side with their placement.

"Hey! Let's try that!" Johzenji had determined looks on their faces, Yamaguchi was put into the game and lightly served it up making it over the net, straight to the libero.

"Whoops!" Yamaguchi looked towards Shoyo, he smiled. They looked over to Johzenji and saw they set up almost the exact same attack against them, but they failed at timing and missed.

"Wow that's hard! But so fun!" The team yelled, even if they lost a point they cried in joy. Karasuno was confused, they were not what their banner said. Simplicity and fortitude? More like reckless monkeys who only care about being loud, flashy and amusement. That pretty much sums them up, if only...

It was Karasuno–20 and Johzenji–19, Kageyama was up to serve and got it near the left almost to the edge but Johzenji picked it up anyways. They wanted to play. It was sent to the other side, Asahi passing it to Daichi and getting it blocked but picked up by Noya and was set again, getting it over but set. Johzenji tried their attack and almost succeeded, if only Shoyo wasn't there to block they probably would've tied.

The whistle blew, signaling the games ending.

"Woah! You're such a high jumper in a small body aren't ya?!" The blonde one with piercings yelled, Shoyo nodded and walked away.

"Hey hey hey, wait a minute chibi!" Shoyo tilted his head towards him, the blonde blushed up like a flame, his face was burning. He controlled himself.

"I'm Terushima Yuji! What's your name chibi?" Shoyo looked to Keishin, he was busy talking to the team, he sighed.

"Hinata Shoyo..." he then walked to his team, Terushima felt like he'd just been blessed by an angel. His team came over to him, wondering why he was fauning and blushing.

"I know that was hard, but we have to get better! The Inter high Prelims are in a few months and I don't want you guys to be disappointed because of how much skills you lack! Just one more match then we're done for the morning, almost lunch."

"It's 11:30 right now, so you have an hour!" The team lit up with the thought of having lunch soon, they were definitely ready for their next match!

"Oh by the way, it's with Nekoma."

A/n: Sorry for such a late update as always, you already know my schedule 😅 also happy December 2nd, hope you enjoyed anyways! [LOVE YOURSELF ♡♡]

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