Chapter I : Brother to Brother

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      Vince flicks a half-smoked cigarette into the lake, as something wrapped in plastic sinks to the bottom. (Camera shows body descending to the bottom with cinderblocks attached to the lower half of the bag. The object sinking was a body if you didn't already know, or maybe you did but who really gives a fuck right? Just another outlaw taken out by other outlaws. "Let's get the fuck outta here." said Vince. The brothers all walk back to their bikes except for Max who stayed watching the sink bubbles until they finally subsided. Max picks up a Renegade Motorcycle Club blue Jean vest, dirt covering the skull and lightning bolts design of it. Max smacks the dirt off of the vest vaguely revealing a Vice President patch. Max knows that what him and his brothers have done was gonna cause a shit storm like they've never seen, but in his mind it didn't really matter.
     About a week ago The Renegades killed Max's girlfriend, Marlena Hopkins. She took her mom out to eat at a restaurant downtown at around 10 at night when 3 masked gunmen ran in with AR pistols and completely lit up the place. Killing Marlena and paralyzing her mother. Max thought killing the man who ordered the hit would make him feel better, but he knew there was nothing he could do to bring her back, all he could do was satisfy his need for retribution in the only way he was taught. "Max! You coming? Or are you just gonna keep watching that sack of shit sink?" said Vince. Max ignores Vince and continues to stare at the dusty vest. Vince gets off his Harley and approaches Max, laying his hand on his shoulder. "The way Marley went out should've never happened like that." Said Vince. Max finally breaks his trance turning his attention to Vince. "So am I supposed to just say all is fucking well and act like she isn't still in the fucking ground? Said Max. "That's not what I sa- -" "No matter what I do, nothing will bring her back and nothing will ever make Marley's mom walk again. Said Max. "But you can't beat yourself over this either it's not your fault son." Said Vince. "How can it not be? She told me to get out of the life but I didn't listen and now it's too late." Said Max. (Camera pans around to Vince and Max' back, Vince pulls out a bottle of clear liquor from inside his vest, it had a white cloth coming out of the lid. (Camera zooms in on Vince's face) "It isn't too late until we fucking say so, now let's go finish this shit." Said Vince. Max grabs the bottle and tucks it on the inside of his vest, then weighs down The Renegade vest with heavy rocks and throws the dead VP's vest into the lake. Max walks back to his black Harley designed with the Knights of Anarchy Motorcycle Club logo on the side of his bike, as the whole crew drive away to finish the job. The ground rumbles and vibrates under their motorcycles as they take off, The Dallas, Texas Margaret McDermott bridge towers over the club as they depart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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