Welcoming Celebration - Good Morning!

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"Mornin Girls" Bloom greets us as the Aria's and I sit down with the Winx, and Jr. Specialist. "Where are the specialist?" Kayla asks, "Busy I suppose" Musa shrugs, "I know Helia and Riven are helping Saladin set up," She says, "That's about it."

Bloom turns to the boys, "Do you know where they are?" She asks, they all either shake their head or shrug, "We haven't seen them yet" Tyler answers, "Don't you normally ride with them though?" Tecna asks, "Yeah but we were all told to use the other Owls" Noah replies. "Oh, okay then."

After a while if talking and eating breakfast, Headmistress Faragonda gets our attention on the speaker. "Attention, Attention." We hear her say on the speakers. "Good morning students, please if everyone can come outside we'll start the welcoming celebration as always with the classic battles, however, this year we have a special twist," She says. "See you all soon. Goodbye."

Students start grabbing their bags and making their way out to the back. "Oh my goodness" Dessa says stunned as we walk outside. There's a dragon. A literal dragon. Honestly, it's really not surprising, Codatorta probably brought it here. And sure enough, Riven and Helia are standing at the bottom of the dragon with their wind riders.

(A/N: Same Dragon From Season 5)

Faragonda stands in front of the dragon at the stands with Saladin while Codatorta is holding on tight to the chain attached to the dragon with Riven and Helia.

"Alright students, settle down please," Faragonda says trying to silence everyone, it kind of works? I mean some went silent but the majority just kept talking. Aisha makes one of those loud whistle-blowing sounds silencing everyone and Faragonda nods at her as a motion of thanks to her.

We start walking to the stands and joining the students when I see Riven motion for me and Harmony to go over there. I get Harmony and let Musa know before Harmony and I make our way over there, and Faragonda nods to let us know we're supposed to do it.

"What's up?" I ask as Harmony and I reach Riven, Helia, and Codatorta. "So as you can see we have a dragon" Codatorta starts, "Continue," I say. "You can probably figure out it's for the battles" He continues, "What do you need us for?" I ask. "It's untamed and we need you to help us keep it under control so it doesn't kill the students," Riven says straight up.

"Alright. Makes sense" I look at Harmony no one says anything, and we both shrug. "Sure, do you need us to use a powerful transformation? Or is Technix enough?" I ask, "You really don't have any complaints?" Codatorta asks, Harm and I look at each other again. "Why would we?" She asks, Helia throws in a told ya as Codatorta sighs. "Well, that was easier than some students," He says.

"Just transform, it doesn't matter which," Helia tells us, I look at Harmony, "Cybrix?" she suggests, "Sure" I reply. "Cybrix!" Both of us transform and are about to take our places when Faragonda starts. "Alright everyone, now that we've gone through the schedule, I'll hand it over to Headmaster Saladin, to explain the battles and answer questions," She says.

"Thank you Faragonda. As as you can see, we have a dragon behind us, and yes it is untamed." Students start chattering again before they are once again silenced by Aisha's whistle.

"Thank you, Aisha. Let me finish. Instead of battling each other, we've realized from the battle last year with Lord Sultan, which by the way, congratulations once again to the Specialists, Jr. Specialists, Winx, and Arias, especially my grandchildren, we have decided the students of Alfea and the students of Red Fountain will now work together to battle monsters" He announces.

"As you can see Helia, Riven, Melody, and Harmony are behind me ready to contain the dragon. I trust that they know what to do" He explains. Then he turns to us and gives Codatorta a signal. Codatorta turns to us, "Take your positions" He says, we all nod. The boys get on their wind riders and we all fly up.

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