taking care of him <33

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"i'm just going to go drinking with some friends, wanna come?" sparkling asked herb.

herb thought about it, the bar is just across the street.. he didn't wanna risk it, "okay.. i'll go with you" herb said.

herb got dressed, he was wearing one of sparkling's white jacket making sure it's partly open so he can show his shoulders, he was also wearing shorts because it was a warm night.

sparkling was dressed in a tucked collared black shirt that has some of the top buttons unbuttoned, he was also wearing black ripped jeans and white airforce 1s

"wow..you look hot.." sparkling whispered once he saw his boyfriend.

herb smiled.

they went to the bar and sat where sparkling's friends are sitting sparkling ordered some alcohol but herb just ordered some herbal tea.

a couple minutes had passed and sparkling was already very drunk.

"baby let's go" herb said, paying and pulling him to their apartment.

they got home safe and sound, sparkling sat on the couch, still drunk, he isn't an alcoholic or anything, he just has a habit of over doing things.

"youu fuçkinnnn b1tchhhhh i wasn't doneee" sparkling drunkly said.

herb felt hurt, "a..b1tch..?..you think i'm a..bitch?" herb hurtfully said.

sparkling pulled herb onto his lap, making a w like shape with his legs (idk what it's called), he also had his arms around sparkling's shoulder.

"yeah..a hot, pretty, sexy, beautiful b1tch..but remember, you're daddy's b1tch" sparkling said.


he started kissing herb's neck, leaving hickeys on his heck, herb pulled him away from his neck.

"darling..not right now.." herb said.

"it'sss daddyyy, babyyy" sparkling said, still very drunk

herb smiled 'disapprovingly', "well not right now daddy, let's wait until you're completely sober" herb smiled

he got up, and took sparkling to their bad so he can have some rest.

"go to sleep now daddy" herb told him.

"but i wannaaaaa f^cl my bitchhhhh!!" sparkling complaints.

"daddy please?" herb asked.

sparkling thought about it, "fineeeee only if i get to sleep of my bitch's thighsssss" sparkling said.

herb let sparkling lay down on his thighs.

"you're suchhh a goood boyy" sparkling told him.
hey!! this story is pretty short but that's okay!! right?

word count: 378
time: 23:28 (11:28)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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