"Ya know, I don't think Suzume-chan would appreciate that kind of attitude 'Tsumu."

The blonde knew he was right, but he just couldn't help it. He didn't know what she saw in Sakusa. I mean sure, he's talented, one of the top three aces in Japan, kind of cool and collected, but still.

"I know."

"Big bro? long-time no talk!" She all but shouted into the phone as she walked home from the quiet ramen shop she had just been with Sakusa.

"Hey little bird, how's things going?"

"They're pretty cool. Were in Tokyo at the moment, I just met up with Omi!"

"Omi? Oh Sakusa-kun? I forgot you two knew each other."

"Yeah, he's pretty cool. Anyway, what's up?"

"I just wanted to call to let you know that Shiratorizawa Girls made it to nationals."

Suzume felt her body tense up, but it was news she was happy to hear. She wanted to take them down, and now she had that opportunity that she had missed last year.

"Is that so? Good to hear. Will you be coming to watch?" She asked hopefully, but his hesitation made her faulter.

"I'm not too sure yet. I'm going to try, but things have been really busy with training and what now."

"Oh, that's okay." She replied trying to keep her cheery tone. She knew her brother was a busy man, and wasn't going to hold anything against him.

"Well I've got to go now, I'm calling you from a break. Hope you are keeping well."

"Bye! Thanks for the call, love you!"

"Love you too." He said before hanging up the phone. Suzume let out a big sigh, finding that she was already outside the hotel that they were staying in.

As soon as she walked into her room, and closed the door, she went to lock it when she felt a presence behind her. As she turned, she felt two hands on either side of her, pinning her between them and the wall.

"Do ya have feelings for the germaphobe?" The blondes voice came out low and in an accusing tone. He was calmer than usual, but she could sense the sadness in him.

She was startled for sure, he was so close and she could feel a blush reach her cheeks.

"Ya do like him, don't'cha?" He asked, his breath fanning her ear which send shivers down her spine.

"Not in the way you're thinking. I... I admire him greatly and look up to him, but I don't have romantic feelings if that's what you're getting at." She said turning her face to look away shyly.

"Wait- really? Then why are ya blushin'?"

"B- because your so close that's why!" She said moving her hands to hold her cheeks as if to get rid of some of the heat. He realised that he was super close and took a step back blushing.

"Oh, right sorry." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck causing her to release a breath of relief.

"There's only one idiot I have feelings for." She muttered but he managed to hear her. She sent him a smirk and his eyes widened.

"I better be that idiot then."


Over their time in Tokyo, he still found it so difficult not to touch her. Of course he had broken the rules many times already, but she didn't really care if she was being honest.

Little Bird (Miya Atsumu x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora