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The age difference is just over 2 years.

The basis for the origin is taken from the cartoon "The Swan Princess".


Not so long ago, the ruler of the Kingdom of Gotham, King Bruce became a father but unforeseen circumstances left his son without a mother.
He was desperate, but did not give up for his son.

Their kingdom was almost on the verge of some time, but after about 2 years everything returned to normal. They prospered as if by magic.

Now the king's main concern was to ensure a good future for his youngest son. Yes. To the youngest son.
The king also had 3 more children, whom he saved from an evil fate, someone was on the street, and someone for other reasons. However, they are now living their lives. They were not listed as princes most of the time. They were interested in defending and defending the kingdom, to which they had devoted their long training since they got here.

The last time the whole family gathered in honor of the birth of a young heir, Prince Damian.

At that time, in the kingdom of Azarath, which was growing slowly but not bad, problems after problems began. The young ruler got married and waited for the time when she would be ready to become a mother. About a year later, the couple was already expecting their first child, but the parents had completely different plans for the child.

In fact, there have long been rumors that the chosen one of Princess Arella was not the most beloved person in the kingdom.
But he tried to flatten his reputation with manner and money.

He realized over time that he could not get what he wanted - in an honest way. And I decided to just leave the kingdom without explaining myself to anyone. Leaving only a small message in the form of a necklace with a precious stone of the color of blood "one day I will return and this kingdom will be mine."

Arella, in fact been waiting for the day when she can be calm. She did not regret his departure. This marriage was of convenience, she was an orphan and too young to rule alone. Then Prince Trigon extended his hand to her, won her trust and today he lost it.

Six months have passed since that moment and today Azarath meets his guests in honor of the birth of the princess. The Wayne family also did not miss this celebration. The king had heard of Queen Arella and her dark history and could see in her the potential of a good ruler. Azarath was not really the most famous kingdom, but it was definitely gaining some popularity as one of the most soulful and peaceful places on the continent, if not the entire world. They were happy to come here for any celebration.

In the large hall, watching her daughter from the side and meeting new faces who came to Azarath for the first time, Arella was glad how many young guests approached the princess and brought gifts. Not far from Arella, King Bruce invited his little son to take his gift to the girl.

Damian calmly walked over to the cradle and dangled the white bird's chain from his arm. Little Rachel reached out and grabbed the beautiful chain, smiling as it shines in her palm.

Arella contemplated that her daughter needed a better future and a better path to it. The first one is not to be lonely like herself. So she invited more families with children so that at least a few children would accept her as their own, when each of them takes their throne. But this boy Damian caught her attention. She recognized him, this is a young prince from a kingdom not far from them. An idea-proposal for a possible matchmaking began to mature in her.

She did not really clung to this idea, but already began to look around the room, in search of the boy's parents. When her gaze met the gaze of the Bruce King, who was looking at her as if with the same thought and with a restrained smile.

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