Chapter 2

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"You didn't have to do this, y/n..", you sat there calmly, sipping your tea as you heard your father sighing. "It's my duty as the daughter of this family.. Beside.. With the help from Zenin.. It will make our family stronger..", you gave your father a small smile, "It will be fine, chichiue..". You could see how your father rubbed his head, "Y/n.. You are only 23.. I honestly didn't think it's necessary to-". "Chichiue.. Our family is strong.. But it's not strong enough to stand others if something happened.. Beside this engagement.. It's the promise of the previous head.. It has been decided". Your father flinched as he bit his lip, "I'm the new head. Why are you being stubborn? I understand you are thinking of the well being of our clan. But your well being is the most important here.. Y/n, do you love him? Is that why you want this engagement to proceed? How about I find you someone better? I could talk to Gojo's clan and bring back your engagement with-". "Chichiue.. That is enough.. Zenin would be the best choice to strengthen your position now.. It will solidify your position as the head", you looked at your father sternly as he looked at you with full of concern. "Y/n.. Mikazuki's clan will be fine.. Our standing is strong enough. Rather than marrying that man, I suggest you give it a try at Jujutsu high.. I heard Ieri-san asked you for help on her research". Your father gave you a small smile as your face turned sour, but then his hand stroked yours as you sighed, "Just because you are there, doesn't mean you will always meet him. Y/n.. You are talented.. Marrying you to that clan.. It will shackles you for the rest of your life.. Once you married him, not even me could interfere if something happened to you there.. Please give it a second thought.. Try it at Jujutsu high for a few months.. If even after the autumn has ended and you still want to marry that man.. Then I guess there is no stopping you..". You just avoid your father's gaze, but then you feel his warm hand stroke your cheek, "Y/n.. you sure are as stubborn as your late mother.. Sweet heart.. I might not be the strongest and even though our clan isn't as strong as before, rejecting another proposal from another clan won't lead us to ruin.. Don't worry too much..". "But.. Chichiue.. If they decided to not side with us too..I'm afraid only having the Inumaki clan backing us will be not enough-", saw his warm smile, you sighed as you know fighting your father won't change his mind at all, "I understand.. Only until mid autumn.. I also would like to keep the engagement with Zenin's clan..Just". You saw your father's face brighten as he then pulled you into his arms and chirped, "Sure sure~". "W-wait, c-chichiue?! P-please stop this! I'm not a child anymore!!", your face blushed as you felt quite embarrassed being hugged by your father. At first you are struggling to get away from him, but then you just end up hugging him back, making him stroke your back in a calming way, when feel you cling to him like how you used to be when you are a child, "Everything will be alright, my dear.. Don't worry too much".

As much as you would love to trust your father's words, you know everything isn't alright. Due to your strong curse, some clans would like to get your hand in marriage and some want to destroy your clan entirely due to the knowledge that your family has own for centuries. Mikazuki's clan, a clan where their inherited powers are water manipulation yet focusing themselves more into apothecary. Yet as for you, you didn't inherit that curse power as you inherited part of your mother that came from Kamo's clan. Blood manipulation. At first no one bat an eye about that since when you first know your cursed power, you could barely use it, but by the time they knew your curse power is not just a blood manipulation but more to a liquid manipulation, all the eyes are on you. Some said it's a blessing and some said it's a bad omen. Due to your power, your grandparents put you in harsh training. Pushing you off your limits, which make your power end up developing to the whole next level. The young you that have too strong cursed power, you end up unable to control it and almost kill your parents one night as your power went berserk. The sudden memories of that, still haunt you even until now. Some people call your power beautiful, yet you feel your power is disgusting and you hate it. How sometimes you wish you have no power, so no one could just leave you alone in peace. Packing your stuff, you sigh as you stare at your suitcase, "...Just until autumn...". You mumble as you grab your phone, texting Shoko to inform her that you accept the offer.

You stare at the tall old building as you sighed. There are surely a lot of memories at this Tokyo Jujutsu High. Most of them are memories you tried to bury. "Oh~ Y/n, you are early", turning your head, you saw Shoko approaching you with tired looks on her face. "Konochiwa, Shoko senpai..", you bow politely as she sighed, "Come on now, drop the formality.. Just call me Shoko. We aren't students anymore". "Ah sorry, it's a habit. You look...are you alright?", you stare at her tired face as you then feel her start to cling to you, "I'm nooooot~ Why do you think I'm begging you for help? I'm dying here, y/n. Dying!! You know how much work they put me..". You just weakly chuckled as you listened to her whining and complaining, while she led you to your quarter. 'Let's make sure everything is safe..', you let go of one of your blue butterflies to explore the area. 

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