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Over the next course of days you went through some weird changes, so did your dead dog....Your hair had gone from (y/h/c) to a bright white. And just about everything you touched froze. Your fingertips were black from extreme frost bite. your dead dog now followed you around everywhere, it may be dead but it was sure as hell moving! By now you had taken the dog and sealed yourself in your room. The room was practically snowing, icicles hung from your ceiling. your carpet now crunched under your feet. You were basically living in a freezer. You couldn't even eat without the food freezing. You were weak. And you were loosing it.

No one visited you oddly. So you were stuck in the freezer like room....alone. Though dog helps! You were sitting alone and a tear fell down your face. No one came.....

The Tear froze to your cheek, your cheek now frost it where the water lay. You started to cry more the tears freezing to your face, you tried to wipe one of them away only to spread the not yet frozen water around your face. You lifted your face up and looked at your ceiling, you could see the stars you had painted on it. That was until they started to blur....and turn black.

-----later that same day-------

"Where do you think (y/n) is?" Pewdiepie pondered out loud.

"i don't know" replied BEN as he once a gain lost to Pewdiepie." How the hell do you do that!?"

"But seriously, wheres (y/n)" Said Pewdiepie again.

"i wouldn't worry bout her." replied BEN again.

Pewdiepie smacked the pause button. "When was the last time you saw her(or him if your a dude xD)?"

"um...." BEN bit his lip. "Jeff was carrying her into...the woods last time i saw her...."

Pewdiepie's eyes widened. He jumped up throwing the controller down and running out of the room. "JEFF!!" he screamed out enraged

"what?" Jeff said gruffly in a voice that said 'i haven't talked for a little while'.

"what did you do with (y/n)?"

"nothing i just took her home!" he said glaring at Pewdiepie. Unlike him, he knew the secret that no one in the house dared to speak about...but he had to tell you soon, it might make things have a little more sense. Pewdiepie then Threw pink glitter in the air and disappeared.

"what was that about?" said laughing jack As he poked his head in the door way.

"(y/n), Pewds is oddly worked out about em..."

"do you think he knows?" Said Laughing Jack concern lacing his face.

"i don't know, he didn't say anything if he does."

"ill go stalk them, talk to you later Jeff!" With that dark purple smoke arose from his feet to his head as he teleported to Your house.

"He can't know that they are half-siblings....." muttered Jeff before he close the door to his room.

------------back to your house(i like the DRAMA  PLOTTT TWISSST)-------------

Your vision blurred and you fell to the side onto the floor. That was until you saw a black feather fall in front of your face. You reached out and toughed it. Then you saw what reminded you of...hooker boots? You looked up more to see only darkness and pink piercing eyes. The pupils where slits.

"I can help you..." said the figure trailed off  "but it will come with a price."

"wh-ats th- p-pri-c-e" you said still shivering barely able to utter out another word due to your vocal cords freezing over.

"Your...." he trailed off. The he bent down the darkness following his figure. He reached out and you felt the frozen tears on your cheek move. Then you felt a small warmth...then a hand.

"your...." he tried again. "you don't have one..." he trailed off YET AGAIN.

He trailed his hand down your neck "i want, your love." He finally finished. You looked at him eyes saying the words you couldn't breathlessly utter out. "as you lady." he said before all was dark then light....then dark again...then light.....OK now its dark....STOP CHANGING THE FUCKING BRIGHTNESS DAMN!!!


So  I'm actually pretty proud of this one, i went from a the most random shaza to the most serious stuff ever, but hay i will be adding some Oc's so if you have not ALREADY contacted me, then Message me on kik and send me your Oc's you want in my book. I will tell the winning Oc's VERY, plus even if you don't win i will send you a drawing of them.

Kick: Frostbittentears


Or just send a message on here!

(yes this one was a little short but I'm TRYING)

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