Sophie turned her head just in time to register the small pupper in the air in front of her. she held her arms out grabbing the puppy that had jumped at her. the puppy in question - Frankie - started to lick at Sophie's face the second she landed in her arms. 

"easy there, girl." Sophie laughed petting her.

"Frankie, god don't do that!  i'm so sorry."
someone yelled chasing after the small dog panting when they reached the bench. 

"it's absolutely fine! no harm done." Sophie smiled at the slightly familiar face before the boy pushed his unruly curls back and watched her interact with the dog.

"she yours?"

"ha no. I'm dog-sitting for my friend." the recognisable stranger said sitting on the bench next to Sophie. "i take it your not from around here?"

"what gave it away?" Sophie chuckled.  " my Aussie accent or the heavy tan?"

"well... both?" the boy laughed messing with his hair again. 

the three of them sat there for a long time with Sophie stroking Frankie while talking to the boy.  they spoke about the differences growing up in New York and Melbourne but both somehow smoothly avoided talking about work. 

"Hang on. so you're telling me you have three brothers? one of which is 17 years older than you?"

"yeah..." Sophie sighed "I was... a bit of a surprise to say the least."

"I bet." the boy chuckled.

before they could continue Sophie's phone began to ring.

"oh, excuse me - hello?" 


"Tommy! where are you it's been over an hour!" 

"i know i know - fans."

"ah i see" 

"look, im pulled up in the limo by the arch, come meet me here."

"hang on i thought you were meant to rescue me? not the other way round." 

"uhh... feminism??" 

Sophie laughed looking at the boy again mouthing another apology that he waved off.

"i love my fans but i came to get you." 

"clearly you didn't think about wearing a hat or sunnies then." 

"it's cold! i just about managed to get Loki's costume off in time if im honest." 

"yeah. that would've been a disaster. M would never work with you again." 

"just - come to the limo." 

"limo?  you're trying to be discreet yet you came in a limo? "

"limo??" the boy mouthed laughing at her expression

"i wasn't thinking okay!" 


"shut up" 

"you shut up." 

"come on. Chris will have my ass if we're much longer." 

"fine im coming. im coming." 

"thank you sora." 

"you've been spending too much time with Sebastian fals frate mai mare."

"looks like you have too." Tom chuckled down the line. 

"bye hiddles." 

"see you hemsie." 

Sophie put the phone down and awkwardly smiled at the curly haired boy.

"sorry." she apologised. "i've got to go now." 

"right, yeah, course." 

she patted Frankie one more time before standing up and put her on the ground before her grabbing her red lead before she ran off again. The boy watched her a smile dusting his lips as she photographed the dog holding out the lead to him. He took it gratefully, the smile growing at the sparks that shot through his fingers. 

she smiled at them both before turning back towards the way she came. 

"Hey wait!" 

Sophie turned slightly confused triple checking in her brain to see if she forgot anything. 

"I didn't catch your name." 


"Sophie." she smiled. 


"Hemsworth." she smiled waiting for the 'ha yeah right and im the queen of England' she normally got.

"Nice to meet you Sophie Hemsworth. I'm Timothée." 

"Timothée..?" she teased stepping further away knowing she was going to be late.


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