Eowells: Eobard Thawne

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He is still disguised as Harrison Wells, but she found out who he is and he locked her up in one of the rooms.

I laid on the bed, fiddling with my shirt hem. I mean... there's nothing better to do, other than wonder about questions that will never be answered. Does Harr-Eobard love me still? When will he let me go? And oh- oh the worst one: Will he ever let me go?

I found that I can enjoy when Eobard is home, it's when he's away that the boredom and loneliness start to seep into my head. I glanced up at the clock above the window, 5:30, he should be back soon. And he'll bring food, today's Big Belly Burger day, I think.

I heard rattling at the door, and a soft knock. At least he wants to make sure I'm decent before he walks in. "Come in," I call out.

He pushes open the door, showing me the bag of take out he brought. He sat down next to me in bed, gently rubbing my back, shoulders, and neck.

"You know, I ate a carrot cake today," he thought aloud as I scarfed down the food.

"Yo-" I swallowed, "You ate my carrot cake? Did you like it?" I licked the ketchup and other sauces off of my fingers, turning to face my abductor.

He just smiled slightly for a second before answering, "I loved that you made me something."

I groaned, "I know I'm a terrible cook, you can just tell me."

"It was delicious."

"No it was not. Stop lying."

"Add it to my resumé..." he leaned over and gently laid me back down onto the bed. "It... was... delicious." He gave me a kiss between every word.

I rolled my eyes, pulling his lips to mine. Just before it escalated, he pulled breathlessly away. "I-I don't want the first time to be like this," he gestures to the lock on the door.

I nod, kissing him one more time and he leaves me to finish my food.

Eobard POV

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, how exactly did I get myself into this mess?

The next morning, I brought Y/N some waffles I made and left without a second glance, I can't afford to lose sight of my goal right now. I can tell that hurts her a little bit, I can't imagine the mixed signals she's getting. One moment I'm ready to truly make her mine and the next she feels like she's nothing but a fly on the wall... but that couldn't be further from the truth.

I walk into my Time Vault and pull up the newspaper from the future, expecting to see the image of the Flash staring back at me. But the newspaper is all messed up, I pounded my fist on the projector.

"Gideon! Why is the future different?"

The AI pops up to help me, "The future is changing Dr. Wells. Would you like me to pinpoint the exact moment it went off track."

"Yes, please Gideon," God, I'm realizing that I'm being nicer even to a robot since I've been with Y/N.

"Of course." She freezes for a moment before speaking again, "You don't go back to the future Dr. Wells."

"What?! Why not?!"

"Because of Y/N L/N."

"What does she have to do with it?"

"You stay for her- with her. You tell Team Flash everything and Barry throws you into a cell. It takes months but Y/N's finally able to get you out and-"

"I get it," I interrupt. "I cannot let anything- or anyone get in my way. Not even her."

I decide to walk back to my house. Risky in the daytime, but necessary for me to decide what I'm going to do. I make it home with no issues at all, and a plan for what to do with the woman I love.

"Y/N," I grab her attention sharply. "We're leaving."

"Where are we going Eobard?" Oh God, her sweet-as-honey voice is going to be the death of me, maybe literally.

"Don't- Don't call me that. It's Reverse Flash to you."

Her face dimmed a little bit.

I led her out of the room and out the front door. "Go," I push her along a little bit, "I don't want you intruding in my home any longer." That's a lie, she could intrude in my home whenever the hell she pleases.

"Where do I go?" She still looked confused.

"STAR Labs, your apartment, to tell Barry who I am, it doesn't matter to me. Just leave."

Her face started to show the inevitable heartbreak I knew it would. And then she asked the question I had been dreading, "What about us?"

My stomach clenched as I realized what I'd have to say, "Us? There is no us. There never has been, and there never will be." I forced out a scoff, "I can't believe you could be so naive as to think I actually cared about you. I would never care about someone so pathetic."

I could see the tears welling up in her eyes as I said that, all I wanted to do was love her and kiss her and tell her that I have always cared- and that I always would.

She turned on her heels after putting a blank look on her face and left.

I sped back to STAR Labs, "Gideon, show me the future."

The newspaper article snapped up again, and this time it was back to normal. A small wave of relief washed over me, but it was drowned out by the pang of grief, fueled by the fact that the future could change so much- that she was hurt so much- by what I said that there truly is no us anymore.

I made my way back home, surprised that Barry wasn't zooming around the city trying to find me. But it was only a matter of time before she told them.

I set all my stuff down, pouring myself a glass of whiskey to drown the pain of losing the one person who means more to me than anyone else. I'll forever wonder for the rest of my life what it would have been like to stay with her, would Barry forgive me at some point? Would Cisco and Caitlin? Could Y/N and I live the life we both dreamed of? These questions ate at the back of my mind, but I was able to find solace in the fact that I am a villain... and villains never get a happy ending, they don't get the girl. But... just this once... maybe I wished it was different.

I slowly made my way up to her room, intending to clean it out, instead seeing Y/N resting on top of the bed, her eyes closed, but she's not asleep.

"Y/N?" I croaked out, my voice hoarse from the alcohol. Her eyes open and she beckons me toward the bed. I complied gratefully and started to run my fingers through her hair.

"I wondered when you were going to stop drinking your feelings."

"Wha- I don't-"

"Mhm," she hummed. "Keep telling yourself that."

"Why didn't you go home?" I ended the casual chit-chat, "I said everything wrong... why didn't you go home?"

"I've got no one to go home to."

"You have Barry, and Cisco, and Caitlin. Why didn't you go to them?"

"You're my home, Eobard. All I want is you," she said, leaning into my side.

"Y/N, I-I can't stay here for you."

Her face clouds over for just a second, "Then I'm coming with you."

My eyes widen in shock, "You- You're what?"

"Coming with you," she states again, bluntly.

It takes me a few seconds, but I finally get it through my brain, she's coming with me. I sprung on her and kissed her, letting my hands travel up and down her sides, sliding her shirt higher and higher.

During one of the pauses in our kisses, I finally realize: The reason the newspaper changed back isn't because she and I weren't together anymore, it's because she comes with me."

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