With You On These Beaches

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With You On These Beaches

Cassandra leaned over the metal railing of the pig pen, resting her elbows atop it, the sun still as ruthlessly beating down on her head as ever. She stared down at her phone screen, ignoring Claire who was shouting at her from across the yard, making the men stare at her again. She'd already attracted an alarming amount of attention as it was, attention that ranged from disapproval to desirous, Cassandra too distracted to care or be discomfited.


Biting her lip, Cassandra hunched her shoulders, resisting the childish urge to clamp her hands over her ears. She had no desire to become caught up in a showdown between Claire and her erstwhile beau, Claire having become increasingly on edge as they'd neared the training enclosure. To make matters worse, they'd walked the entire way in the boiling heat, bypassing various buildings and yards as Claire led them across the security compound, Claire loudly complaining they should have just taken a car and be done with it, Cassandra snapping back why hadn't she done it then.

Despite everything, Cassandra had been impressed against her will over how much power Claire wielded, everyone they encountered acknowledging them with a nervous deference that bordered on terror. Which was exactly why Cassandra didn't want to be anywhere near Claire and Indiana Jones right now, figuring Claire had finally met her brick wall, somebody she couldn't cow into submission, Cassandra simply not wanting to be party to the consequences of such a confrontation.

"Hey there, lil lady," a voice said from behind her, making Cassandra turn around against her will, only to be confronted by the sight of a thickset man watching her. As she frowned at him, he struck a casual stance, still staring at her whilst hooking his thumbs through the loops of his black denim jeans.

"Hi?" Cassandra hazarded, arching an acerbic eyebrow.

"Hi," the man echoed, his gaze shamelessly raking her. "You new around here?"

Cassandra eyed his little goatee with disdain. "Maybe," she said evasively, eyes narrowing.

"I hope so," the man grinned, "my workforce could do with being a little more good looking." He let this sink in, enjoying seeing Cassandra stiffen. "I'm Vic Hoskins," he then said, holding out his hand to her, Cassandra reluctantly taking it, "Head of Private Security."

"Oh," Cassandra said stupidly, making Hoskins grin even more mockingly. "Are you going to escort me off the premises, then?" she then said, recovering herself. "I promise I'll come quietly, sir."

"No need for handcuffs, then?" Hoskins said lightly, taking a step closer to her, his gaze flickering over her again.

Cassandra stood her ground, even as her first instinct was to back away. "Nope," she said just as lightly. "I think my sister would have something to say about her guests being roughhoused."

Hoskins pointed at her with both hands. "Claire, right?" he smirked. "Should have guessed, what with the sassiness and the ginger hair."

"You got me," Cassandra said from between gritted teeth, pointing back at him with both hands as well.

Hoskins just nodded his head, before glancing around them, brow furrowing. "Your sister is a little occupied with Owen boy," he then said, scratching his goatee. "How does an iced boba while you wait sound?"

Cassandra hesitated, only understanding the iced part, which sounded like manna from heaven. "It sounds good but I'm not sure," she admitted uneasily, "I'm really just waiting for Claire to be done here and then we're heading back to the hotel."

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