Chapter 1

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"Y/n, look it's snowing outside!!!" a bright Felix exclaimed as he looked through the  window of his shared bedroom and called out to his tired roommate.

"I see" was all y/n could reply with and put her head down on to her table. "Quitting a few days of work won't hurt. You can't work till the 7 in the evening and do the homework till you see the sunrise. It can't be going on like this or you are gonna fall sick. And I am not sure how I am going to react if any of that happens. I am going to talk to the manager of the café the first thing after college today." Felix rebuked not knowing he said it all in a single breath with a frown on his face. "Calm down Lix. It's not like I have anything else to do other than that, plus I have other expenses, which I need money for and it's the only way out." y/n gently patted his back "Actually, you do. You're taking the day off work and we're gonna have fun today after college" Felix took y/n's hands and slightly squeezed them. "No!! Not today!!" y/n whined. She was clearly not in a mood to go out today. A sudden idea popped in her head "I got an idea. How about we re-decorate our room today? I'm sick of staring at those blank white walls everyday" Felix was in deep thought. He took a few minutes to answer. "Actually that's a great idea! Why didn't I think of it?" by now, y/n was jumping around in her mind. Her wide smile dropped when Felix continued "But, it's not for today. Let's save it for later, thanks" and with that y/n let out a loud sigh and continued with the document she was typing, knowing that she'll lose even if she tries arguing with him.

"Are you done? We are gonna be late again. Hurry" Lix quickly slid into his shoes. "Yeah just a minute I'm just waiting for it to print and we're done with" y/n replied in a hurry. She quickly grabbed the papers not minding to place it in her binder because she was already too late. They quickly ran towards their college since it wasn't that far away. They were nearing the gate when a husky wind blew the papers from y/n's hands. It flew away and away and y/n quickly ran after it. They fell onto the ground just an inch away from a tall and oddly attractive male. he picked those papers up and dusted the dry snow off the papers before it could get wet. He read the name on the front page of the papers aloud "Y/n Hwang...." he then saw a girl running towards him. "Excuse me, I'm sorry those are my papers and they just flew because of the wind" y/n told him in a hurry without clearly looking at his face. She slowly lifted her face when she did not get a reply. The moment she saw his face, it was a complete knockout for y/n but she decided not to show it. She caught him staring at her pale white face while spacing out. She clicked her fingers and the boy then looked like he came back to real life. "Oh yeah, sorry here are your papers." The boy could barely talk at the moment. His voice seemed to be hitching in his throat. "Thanks." y/n thanked him and ran back to the gate.




A/N: I'm going to edit this soon, i just didn't want y'all to be waiting...

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