Battle On The Mountain

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As the Chinese Soldiers slowly walk through the mountain pass, a rocket in the wagon attached to Khan suddenly goes off, shooting into the sky. Mulan looks at Mushu accusingly.

"What happened?" Shang asked riding up to him.


"You just gave away out position!" Shang exclaimed angrily. "Now we're…"

An arrow hits his shoulder, throwing him off the horse. 

More arrows came showering down.

"Get out of range!"

The soldiers started scrambling away as more arrows were coming down, this time having fire attached.

Mulan struggled to pull the horse and carriage along, but then an arrow hit the cloth, making the carriage catch fire.

"Save the cannons!" Shang commanded.

The soldiers reach into the carriage, removing the cannons.

All the cannons were saved, but the carriage was still on fire. Mulan kept struggling with the horse, but then he drew his sword and cuts the reins off the horse and mounts him.

The wagon explodes behind them, sending Mulan off the horse, Mushu and Crickee landing on the snow in front of him.

"Oh, sure, save the horse." Mushu said.

Mulan grabbed Mushu and his sword and runs over to the other soldiers.

The soldiers were loading up the cannons and firing at the Huns on the cliff.

"Fire!" Shang gave the command and the cannons were fired.


But then suddenly, everywhere became quiet, and there was no longer sound on the cliff.

"Hold the last cannon." Shang said to Yao.

Just then, a horse appears on the hill, it's rider, Shan Yu.

The leader of the Huns is soon joined by over thousands of his soldiers.

[Y/n] gasped, her hands shaking a bit, as she grabbed the hilt of her sword.

"Prepare to fight. If we die, we die with honor." Shang said, making the soldiers draw their sword.

The Huns charge, running down the hill like ants rushing to gather food.

"Yao. Aim the cannon at Shan Yu." Shang commanded, making Yao take aim

[Y/n] took a deep breath and glanced at her sword, looking at her reflection, she noticed a glacier hanging over. 

She gasped and sheath her sword, turning to Mulan.

"Cover me." She commanded and the young man nodded.

[Y/n] grabs the cannon and rushes towards the Huns, Mulan following after.

"Ping! Mulan, come back!" Shang yelled after them, but they didn't listen.

They stop in the snow and [Y/n] handed the cannon over to Mulan, showing him where to aim it at.

Shan Yu drew closer, his sword raised as Mulan struggled to light the match.

"Okay, you might want to light that right about now, Quickly, quickly!" 

[Y/n] grabs Mushu, making him shut up as Mulan was attached by Shan Yu's hawk making him lose the match.

Yao, seeing the situation the two were in, said to his other friends.

"C'mon, we gotta help!"

The Gang of Three ran towards Mulan and  [Y/n], swinging their swords.

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