I take my outer jacket out of my pack and roll it up into a makeshift pillow, leaving on my knive vest and taking one out of it to keep underneath my pillow. Then I climb into my sleeping bag and attempt to sleep.
Just  when I thought they'd left me,my horrifying dreams decides to return. I'm with my sketchbook again, drawing amongst the field of dead. My back is turned, so all I can see is my long brown hair spilling down my back in elegant placed curls,past my pale pink jacket, from what I can see,controlled and precise, gar from the girl that haunted me before, the one that drew in blood and ended up stabbing her sketchbook with a knife,I turn around,and my makeup is perfect, with beautiful thick black lashes and glowing green eyes, lips painted blood red. Blood red.

As soon as the real me notices the significant colour, the dream world me begins to cry. But not ordinary crying. With wails full of emotional pain; crying with tears of blood,no sound,and no emotion, the blood is just leaking out of my eyes, dripping down my cheeks and staining my pink jacket. Then, suddenly, I fall to the ground,making a small chucked sound. I can only assume that I am dead, although I'm not entirely sure.

And then the swarm arrives: a Hurd of people, headed by glimmer and zafira, with all the tributes I had killed at the cornucopia close behind them. Fire girl is there, carrying a large metal pole,on the end is which a burning flame. Marvel heads up the rear. Caring his spear and has an unsure look on his face, as if he's not really sure why he's doing this. I don't know either: I thought we were okay, almost friends. At least in arena terms anyways. But no, he is there with the others, joining the mob of tributes that are rushing towards my body, focused on destroying me completely. They have one aim, and one aim alone.but cato is nowhere to be seen, not even hidden at the back like Marvel. He is not present at all. Glimmer begins her assault, stabbing her large spear into my shoulder with a rather bad aim (no change there then), and then zafira joins her. Unfortunately, she has a much better aim,and she dives the spear through my heart.

Marvel is still standing at the back,not taking part, just surveying the scene with the same unsure look.and then glimmer cheers suddenly,hosting up my body and handing it to the boy from 11, I think he's name is thresh, she carelessly throws my body, still dripping in blood,over his shoulders, and glimmer and the other tributes following. They start to dance around a large tree as zafira throws a spear into the trunk of the tree, while eden grabs some rope from a backpack, and thresh hands glimmer my body. Whilst thresh ties a rope around the spear to form large circle, my body is lifted, and the rope circle is tied around my hands, tight enough that I can stay swinging without any of the tributes holding me up. Glimmer shouts something incomprehensible, and the others begin to dance around the tree, singing and celebrating.then they trail back into the woods. For aine reason, they're suddenly all leaving.

Except from one person, waiting in the shadows:cato, he walks out onto the plain,making sure the others had gone.he looks up towards my body as it swings in the light breeze. Not saying anything, just waiting,it stays like that for a while, just the eerie silence. And then the somewhat disturbing funeral party decides to return. Fire girl lights the page that I was drawing with her flaming torch and the paper disintegrates into ashes on the floor. And then cato falls to the floor along with it. Glimmer screams in excitement, and leads the group back into the woods. The last crumbling pieces of my drawing flutters towards us in the breeze and settles by the foot of the tree. There, going up in flames,are the worries from district 2.

I sit up Suddenly, beads of sweat dripping down my face, I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down.

What the hell was that? I thought my dreams were bad when I was the girl stabbing the sketchbook,but this, this is a hole new other leave of wired.

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