'I'm not pissed. I'm nothing ... Let's go.' I answer haughtily, refusing to give in to his arsey self and lifting that defiant little chin of mine in a show of 'couldn't care less'. I walk off first, leaving him standing as I head for the bank of lifts and Alexi follows obediently; surprisingly, but I don't stop to examine his compliance. I just want to get to our destination and let go with loud music, dark lighting and lots of people. There's no pressure for chit-chat in a nightclub and I might be able to lose him for a while to go dance by myself if I am lucky. I always loved to dance my night away.

'You know? ... You are hard work sometimes.' It's a slightly humorous comment, given in a light tone but I spin on him harshly.

'Says you? Oh, my God, you are the most infuriating, mind-fucking person I have ever met in my life, and you have the nerve to say I am hard work? How ironic!' I snap at him and get madder when it's met with a grin instead of that normal Alexi fire and rage. He looks smugly cocky and just infuriatingly happy all of a sudden.

'Mind-fucking? Is that a thing?' He chuckles at me as though enamoured with how adorably cute I am being and tweaks my cheek playfully. I flinch at the surprise gesture, eyes popping with the non-Alexi manoeuvre and blanch at the same time. It infuriates me and I slap his hand away, no more amused with that than any of this conversation. I wonder if he has suffered a bang to that thick bloody skull of his which resulted in a personality transplant. I mean, when the hell did he start pinching people and acting like some goofy happy weirdo?

'Piss off, Alexi.' I have no other words. He is trying to goad me into whatever this is, and I am not playing ball. Alexi is all games and smiles and I am not taking part in his highly suspicious and unnerving behaviour.

'You know you are the only female I have ever known that is openly hostile towards me, no matter what I do? ... Well, maybe my mother, but that's a different kind of passive-aggressive.' His tone is still light and breezy but I just frown hard and throw him an impatient look, checking my phone for the time and ramming it back into my bag in a wave of frustration.

'Why are you talking to me?' I throw my bag under my arm abruptly, tucking it in tight and visualising Alexi's head as I squish it under my armpit; More than a little annoyed that we are not progressing to the lift like I want. Regardless of being angry with him, I still need to wait on the tosser to escort me to our transport to the club. I have no clue where we are going and I don't want to sit here all night alone and bored like Billy no mates! I could have done that back home in the apartment and not wasted time and effort making myself look red carpet ready just to stare at a hotel room walls.

'That's what friends do ... they talk to one another. It's supposed to be nice.' It's a slight eyebrow raise and another oddly happy smile and I just hit the sarcastic giggles. Ridiculous 'are you mad' sort of manic laughter that makes me wonder about my own sanity. He's not amusing, he's deluded! He brings out the absolute worst in me sometimes.

'Are you serious right now? Friends? On what planet, Alexi?' I retort, hand on my hip as I scan him with a glare that is meant to portray 'I think you're high right now'. I'm not impressed at all and just getting more fidgety and uptight every second we spend loitering here and not making progress.

'Well, what would you call us ... if not friends?' His gaze narrows on me, smile fading and something more serious in its place. Still not moving, like a tall stubborn mannequin and I relent with an exasperated sigh, knowing he has no intention of going again until he decides he's moving. Talking is on his agenda for some stupid reason.

'I don't know ... business acquaintances. People coexisting for a mutual benefit, but certainly not friends! Friends like one another, Alexi!' I point out scathingly, using my bag to point at him and me as though to emphasise my statement, willing him mentally to just walk forward and get in the damn lift I can hear pinging away about twelve feet from us as they open.

The Carrero Contract - Amending Agreements (Book 2 of Contract Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now