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I stand outside the main door of Club Carrero and stare at the sinister blacked out building with major trepidation, like I am walking into the lion's den. My heart in my mouth and my hands wringing one another nervously as I try to find the courage inside of me to walk on up. I feel like I have run a marathon, even though I only walked for twenty minutes.

It looks exactly the same as it did all those months ago, yet seems alien to me now; so much larger and more imposing. I have been trying to drum up the nerve to go to the door and press the intercom to alert someone to my presence. I just cannot seem to find it in me.

I keep looking up at the black tinted windows on the other floors and wondering if he is here. Wondering if they can see me standing like some lost little idiot and laughing at how easy it was to lure me back. I feel so stupid and out of place.

The sides of the building are sporting new high metal fencing with cameras pointed this way, so you can no longer access the rear with a vehicle, or on foot. There are heavy thick wire coils across the tops to stop people climbing over, and from here I can't tell which cars are in the private car lot behind; He has closed down entry like Fort Knox, and minimised access to anywhere but the front door.

I guess that invasion by Santagato's man, and then mine, made him rethink the security of his building in my absence. He really has upped the ante and I wonder who mans all the cameras facing my way and if I should just wave at them.

I lose my courage completely, as the realisation at how weak this looks hits me, and turn to leave in utter defeat, shamefaced. Fifteen minutes of staring at this building and I just cannot do it. Even if I am desperate for a lift home, I can't make myself walk up those stairs and press that buzzer.

I feel like a moron, cursing myself out for still being this feeble when it comes to him. I thought I was stronger, especially after already seeing him and head away completely downhearted. My plan in ruins and now I have to walk in the opposite direction for a longer trek back home.

Stupid girl!

'London?' The voice halts me, my heart jumping through my chest at the unexpectedness of it and I glance back in as much surprise as reaction as his voice draws me to the door.

Alexi is standing in the open doorway, obviously saw me on those infernal cameras, and now I'm standing here like a rabbit in the headlights and feel incredibly uncomfortable.

He just looks like he always does ... far too gorgeous, groomed, laid back and smooth for my liking.

Prick obviously waited to see what I would do before ending my agony. Another reminder of why I dislike the tosser.

'Alexi!' I don't know what else to say; words evading me when faced with him in the harsh light of day once more, and my stomach starts doing strange little lurches and dives. I put it down to hunger and ignore it ... even when my palms instantly clam up.

'You coming in?' He moves aside and nods to the dark doorway. It's impossible to see anything inside from here and I glance from him to the open space in hesitation. I don't actually know what to do now that he's opened it.

Being faced with him, seemingly acting human for once, and rain beginning to gently pitter-patter on my head and face makes me look back to the street and then again at him—torn with indecision.

He looks good, dare I say it. Dressed all in black, a shirt and trousers with a tie that is barely noticeable as it blends in. He has gone for the tone-on-tone look with this and it is pretty devastating to see him in old Carrero uniform. Black is, and always will be, his colour. It accentuates that jet hair and those very pale wolf-like eyes set in natural olive skin.

The Carrero Contract - Amending Agreements (Book 2 of Contract Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now