Alexi stands over me looking down, obviously amused with this little manoeuvre and fully aware of what he was doing with a smart-arse smile on that clean-cut face.

There's a camera pointing down on the step and a screen inside this door showing this exact angle, so he saw me sitting here before he yanked it open at speed, purposely.

'You're a wanker.' I glare up at him from my lying down position and he just grins a little harder, still towering over me casually, as though he could do it all day. I continue to lie here , acting like I am quite comfortable and in no way bruised or pissed at him for being a tosser.

'Stop lying down on the job, wench.' He chuckles at his own joke. I just throw him a grim look and bite down the urge to punch him in the balls. Alexi laughing is a rare occurrence, although it is having only a negative effect on me seeing as I'm now lying on a dirty floor in an expensive dress, thanks to him.

'This isn't funny; I think you're a prick.'

'It's funny from up here,' He smirks, still beaming in merriment and gets the bird thrown right at him from my horizontal position ... my temper simmering at his antics.

Alexi leans in extending a hand to help me up, but I just slap it away, glaring furiously because now my bloody dress is probably dusty and mucky right up my back, and I have to get up ungracefully while this arsehole watches me. I am in stubborn and Princess mode, and I would rather struggle than accept help from him.

I roll awkwardly in my very tight dress, and spend a few minutes getting up while he leans with one hand on the door, keeping it open and still grinning at me like this is the funniest moment in history. Amused that my tight attire makes getting up like some sort of acrobatic act.

'You really are having trouble with the no touching thing, aren't you?' I snap at him in response, riled and irritated and turn to walk back outside as I dust myself down, not really in the mood for my quiet sun time anymore, but as he's blocking the hall, I'm not pushing past him either. The frame of mind he is in, he would probably do something equally childish to me for shits and giggles.

'About that ...' Alexi seems to brush off the fun, turning serious, his expression straightening out and follows me outside as I sigh. I can feel a foreboding wave of heaviness that whatever he's going to say is about to dent my mood for the rest of the day.

'Can we just discuss the terms of that little rule?' He turns on me when I get to the top step and move to let him pass. He makes it clear walking away is pointless. His smile gone but still has that air of good mood and amusement, and it makes me instantly suspicious. He rarely does obvious moods, even good ones, and I have no idea at all why he's in such a great one today. He has been like this since he first appeared.

Especially after seeing how shittily his club has been running for months. I just cannot get over how little that seems to mean to him at all.

'No.' I shake my head at him and try to dodge him, but he blocks me bodily and I have no choice but to stand my ground, his back to the steps, so I cannot get by.

'Sometimes touching is unavoidable and I just think it should be more specific ... like I can't fuck you—unless you want me to that is.' He adds that with a cheeky smirk and I swear he's been drinking or something. He's too merry today and it's creepy.

This is a flirty, maybe cheeky side to him that I have never really been privy too and I don't get why it's on show now. An odd vibe coming from him in droves as his eyes twinkle with a little more depth of colour in the sunlight. He looks as though he has a smile churning under that good bone structure and his whole posture is casual and relaxed.

The Carrero Contract - Amending Agreements (Book 2 of Contract Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now