I can always walk out on him if he puts me back in a place where I feel threatened.

I came up here from the club after I did my walk around and found a million things which pissed me off, so I needed to unwind and wipe the grime of the diner out of my pores once and for all. Joanne was enraged at finding me perched on a bar stool waiting for her, and it was my greatest pleasure to throw my orders in her face like a wench. All while dressed as Meghan from Joe's diner and looking like a street hobo that was far beneath her.

Somehow it made it all the more satisfying and her tantrummy 'I am going to ask Alexi' didn't end well, when she marched up to his office and came back down ten minutes later with her tail between her legs and a pouty lip that was more suited to smacked toddler. Whatever he said to her put her face completely out of joint, did a magnificent job. She was tearful, docile and went off to the ground floor makeshift office to call the clients and staff without argument.

It was the highlight to my day.

I already have a cleaning crew booked in all day tomorrow and the next, after thirty minutes on my phone to various places for a full sanitise. Just falling into my old role effortlessly, like I never left.

I also have decorators coming to look over the paintwork that needs redoing, in dark grey instead of the shitty green tinted stone that she had slapped on the walls in my absence.

Lights are being hauled down as I lie here relaxing by the accommodating wiring company who are being paid double to get that crap out of here pronto, and the new ones are being delivered tomorrow. I managed to snag next day delivery on some pretty expensive chandeliers online, much like the ones Hoe-anne removed and I cannot wait for her to see them go up.

The bar is being unstocked by the bar staff who had already turned up for their shift, they are all off tomorrow as they will be back in two days to restock when our new delivery comes in. I wasted no time in doing my job, tired and sick or not.

Alexi has kept out of my way upstairs in the office. I haven't even seen Mico yet so I don't even know if he is even here, or knows that I am. I wonder if he will be happy and surprised by my change of heart. He seemed just as keen as Alexi, so I guess so.

I have a million things to get through this week to get my club back to the standard I set upon it, and I am starting after it's clean and fresh. I also need to have the sprinkler system checked over, seeing as it was the source of a flood and I don't trust that bitch to have bothered. I am determined to get this baby back to its previous glory and smooth running and I have a day to get myself back to the 'hostess with the mostest' to get over whatever this is.

I used my phone to get on top of things needing immediate attention and the bar as a desk to start 'doing', which is what I have always been good at. No time like the present to dent a to-do list.

Now I have the apartment to myself, my belongings all lying in the living room after one of the men took me for a half hour to get them, and hours of my evening to soak my troubles away and never face that shithole of an apartment, or Joe, ever again. I left my landlord a lovely note, stuck to the front door, telling him to go ram his rent. He used to love swinging by on the due date to try and coerce more than what I owed him, and he's due in days. Good luck with that, arsehole.

My face is no longer swollen like it was this morning, and most of the marks can be hidden with a good bag of makeup when I go shopping tomorrow to refill both my cosmetics drawer and my wardrobe. My shopaholic side is ecstatic with that turn of events and I have a bubbling sense of excitement every time I spy King Carrero's sexy credit card on the vanity. All in all, I feel like life just got a whole lot sweeter.

The Carrero Contract - Amending Agreements (Book 2 of Contract Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now