It's a complete shock to me.

'What the hell? How did I get a ...' I trail off as something else dawns on me, mind rambling over newly found memories and it blurts out instead.

'Why am I not dead?'

I held a gun to my head and pulled the trigger with every ounce of decisiveness in me. I didn't hesitate and put it right to my temple. I intended to end it all.

How does that translate to lying in a hospital with a banged head?

Mico pauses for a second and looks to the open door, his expression cagey for a moment, leaning in so as not to be heard and lowers his voice.

'Gun jammed, and the bullet stuck in the barrel. Alexi pushed you back to get the gun out of your hand and knocked you for six into the concrete wall. We thought he had killed you.'

His hushed tone and serious frown tell me that this is not a joke or a dream. I am not floating in the afterlife or hallucinating in a coma.

Everything just drains from me, the realisation of what I tried to do, how low I sunk. And yet ...

'Why did he try to stop me?'

It's the burning question in the forefront of my mind. Despite everything I can remember, my foolish heart still clings on to a flicker of something, and I inwardly scowl at my weakness. I hate myself for even thinking about him at this moment.

Didn't he want me gone?

Wasn't he the one pushing and pushing and goading me to break? Who stood there and did nothing to alter what I was doing? He had to know what I was planning, it was obvious.

He doesn't deserve to dwell in my mind and thoughts. I need to put him where he belongs for all eternity. In hell with his sadistic ways.

'He's a son of a bitch Camilla, but not a completely heartless one. Alexi wanted to end your connection; not watch you die. He never wanted that.' Mico looks away as he speaks, something in that face, but I don't know him well enough to translate it. He seems uneasy and unable to really look at me and I shake it away, along with the visual of that cold bastard peering at me from inside my own head.

I blink around my surroundings instead, trying to free myself and focus on anything that is not Alexi Carrero. Taking note of the sterile surroundings instead.

I guess the fact we seem to be in a regular hospital means they were told I knocked myself out and never mentioned the gun incident. It would explain his apprehension at being heard. It's not the private one I was in last time, so I am guessing I was rushed to emergency with only the mention that I had banged my head while plastered on cocktails of booze.

I know better than to mention the gun either. Last thing I need is being put on suicide watch and have a psych trailing my recovery. I had that once before, when my injuries from Rick seemed self-inflicted. I knew even then never to open my mouth and let the truth come out. It only muddies the waters and lands you in shit.

'So, what now? He just lets me get away with threatening him? I get handed to you and forgotten?' My voice is harsh yet low and I whisper hoarsely at him, aware that the door is open and you never know what night staff are still close by.

Even I don't believe that will be the outcome. Alexi is one to exact revenge and punishment for far less crimes. He won't forget that I pulled his own gun on him and held it to his heart. He would never allow me to go without some sort of reckoning for such gross behaviour. I mean the guy flipped over me throwing salad at him; I have no doubt pointing his gun at his heart is a far worse crime. That comes with a far worse punishment.

The Carrero Contract - Amending Agreements (Book 2 of Contract Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now