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A/N:I UPDATED ARE YOU HAPPY?! I am currently cooking macaroni cheese, mmmm.
Enjoy at your own risk ^(0.0)^

What have I done? I lead that monster to my best friend, well used to be. I don't think Chris will be happy. I did leave him on one question; Will you go out with me?

Yeah I think I will pass going to see him right now, maybe later, but Phil... My poor innocent Phil. He's going to be tortured. All because I led Dan to him...

Phils POV

The blossom looks really good today, I thought to myself as I pulled out my drink of water and took small sips.

"You know I was thinking the exact thing, it really is a pretty shade of pink"

I froze. Whoever was behind me had a strong voice and I didnt like it.

"Oh come on Phil, my voice isn't that bad"

"W-who are y-y-ou, what d-do you wan-t??" I whispered.

The figure comes around and I see his brown hair and his equally chocolate coloured eyes.

"Stop checking me out, I know i'm fit but per-lease stop eying me up and down, I know your gay, your friend told me everything"

"My friend? What you know Chris?"

"Hahahaha. No the other one, the one with curly hair and green eyes I mean, come on think, yeah that's it, now you remember"

My eyes probably resemble the shape of 2 big 'O's right now, I thought. It can't be Peej, he went missing 5 years ago.

"PJ... Is that him?"


You don't know this guys name Phil.

"Whats your name? I mean it's only fair  if I know yours if you know mine."

"Thats no fun now is it? I thought you could guess it"

"You didn't answer my early question, what do you want from me"

"I think that a lovely shade of lilac will accompany this pink beautifully, don't you think, my Philly-boy?"

He is either deaf or he is ignoring me,wAIT.

"Aww is someone getting ratty hmm? Come on, we need to leave. Now."

I stare at him in astonishment. A very loud snort comes up from my lungs and escapes my (nose/mouth?).

"You think I'm going to follow you, you creep!" I whisper-shout at the guy.

"I don't care what you think or do. You will come with me. Now stand!!" The tall, brown haired man exclaims, obviously getting annoyed.

But instead of standing, I slide down off the bench and land with a very weird sounding thud onto the grass.

"You know what." He starts, pulling out a round device of some sort , "I didn't think it would come down to this."

I can't see, I've been knocked out.

A/N: SORRY TIS REALLY SHORT I KNOW OK? I feel as if this is going to fast idk. But if you like it please leave a comment and I will do my best to make your do you think?.. Dreams happen <3

Stay beautiful my sexy cheeses, Leah x

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