Start from the beginning

"Besides," Zhongli added, glancing to the side. "This isn't a party isn't to celebrate my birthday. It's an excuse to celebrate our joined alliance with the Fatui group. Another Mafia gang that has been causing trouble for awhile now. So I can't complain. Us getting along is more important than a simply birthday."

Zhongli sighed, leaning back in his seat as he watched the guests dance and chat. Kaeya noticed and stood a bit closer.

Since Zhongli wasn't busy, and nobody was looking..

Kaeya began to pull something out from his pocket. A small, little box wrapped in red paper.

"Zhongli, since it's your thirteenth birthday tomorrow, I-"

The sounds of machine guns going off and doors crashing open was enough to cut anyone off, and immediately there was the sounds of screams and returned gunfire.

A group of masked and armed adversaries had burst in, stabbing and shooting anyone and everyone in sight. The MM members would caught off guard by them, and lost the upper hand and were being shot down far too quickly for most to process and fight back, leaving anyone who was by the front doors easy targets.

And the room, which was decorated with golden and black tile flooring was now spilling with red blood spreading across the floor from the limp bodies that began to pile up. The orchestra players- which filled the party with exciting and classy music now hid desperately behind their instruments, but to no avail as they were mercilessly shot down by the intruders that barged in.

Those intruders being the very Fatui members that were supposed to be apart of this so-called peaceful event.

Immediately did Kaeya grab Zhongli's hand and begin to drag him away from the gunfire and catastrophe occurring in the main area of the room, but he wasn't fast enough and Zhongli's left arm got nicked.

Kaeya's blue eyes widened with panic and he gritted his teeth as he pulled the mafia boss out of the way. "We must go!" Kaeya told him, leading the other through behind the ebony curtains which held a passage for emergencies. The very same passage Kaeya took to come see Zhongli.

Both boys ran as fast as they could; Kaeya himself navigated the way, trying desperately to get the other out of harm's way and to a doctor. If they could get out of the MM's HQ, then they could get out of danger. No doubt, Kaeya was sure that the Fatui had this place surrounded, so they would need to find an exit that was sure to be clear.

Curse the Fatui. They tricked them. They took advantage everyone would be distracted and lower their guard during what should've been a peaceful gathering.

Somehow Kaeya wasn't surprised. Just highly angry for the one in charge of security to let this happen. If he was head of security, he wouldn't have allowed this. Maybe that was a foolish thought for a kid to have, but Kaeya had it anyway.

"Zhongli, are you okay?" Kaeya asked, glancing over his shoulder at the other boy. Zhongli nodded slightly, his left arm limply hanging by his side, his small ponytail began to come undone; his suit was dripping with blood and his entire look for the evening had done a 180 and now was ruined. Not that it mattered much to either of them at the moment.

All that mattered to Kaeya Alberich was getting the Mafia leader out of harm's way.

"I know a short cut-"

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