phastos & kingo

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Leaving his family behind had been one of the hardest things that Phastos had ever had to do. But his husband was right—he had a duty to this world, to protect it. Besides, if he let the Emergence happen, his family would be dead, and he'd be alone. Perhaps his years on Earth had made him selfish, but he simply couldn't have that.

He trudged through the sand of the desert, towards where the Domo's beacon was calling him. The others—what was left of them anyway—trailed behind him slowly. When the ship rose, emerging from the sand like a whale out of a wave, there was a small part of him that came to life once more, a piece of himself that he gained back.

Makkari, it seemed, had made the Domo her home, exactly as Ikaris had said she would. When they walked in, they were assaulted by piles and piles of books, trinkets, armor, weapons, and everything Makkari had found along the years. Funnily enough, there were also food wrappers scattered along the floor, a sign of Makkari's newly found sweet tooth.

Phastos had to give her credit—she had built herself a lovely little throne right in the middle of the ship. That was where they found her, speed reading through some ancient tome as she lay elegantly draped over the arms of the chair. She looked relaxed, comfortable in her human clothes, as her fingers expertly whipped through the pages.

She glanced up when they walked into the room, eyes twinkling with excitement. Time to go home? She had signed to them, eyes darting over each of their faces. Phastos remembered the way her eyes stilled over Druig, the way he seemed to freeze and stand up straighter under her surprised, calculative gaze.

But Makkari's excitement, her childlike glee that was so wholly Makkari, would fade as the truth came out. She sat, stunned, as she listened to Kingo explain what had happened, how the Deviants were back, how Ajak was dead, and Gilgamesh too. Makkari's lips had trembled, but she had clenched her jaw, trying to stay strong.

After, when the plan had tentatively been made, Phastos would watch as Makkari strutted around the ship, so familiar and comfortable in it. She welcomed each of them back uniquely, with a wandering touch or a joyful smile. It wasn't until Druig, in his dark clothing and with his light steps, moved closer to her, waving something in his hands, that Makkari stilled.

"So, how did you end up scoring this emerald tablet?" Druig asked her, holding said tablet up for her to see. Makkari lunged for it, but Druig pulled it out of her grasp playfully, ducking closer to lowly murmur, "My beautiful, beautiful Makkari..."

Phastos felt his brows rise.

Makkari snatched the tablet away from Druig and he let her, but she didn't move away. Druig leaned even closer, signing as he spoke, "Did you miss me?"

Makkari tilted her head back at him and whatever was in her eyes was answer enough. Druig smiled, small and private, just for her. Makkari clutched the tablet to her chest and leaned a little closer to him and it was all too much for Phastos.

"I'm sorry, what are we watching?" He found himself saying. "Is this... Are you two.../"

"Is this new? Because I hate it." Kingo uttered from next to him, scowling at where Druig and Makkari both glared at them.

Phastos supposed that this was when both he and Kingo noticed the changes, the two of them late to the party, judging by the knowing looks that Thena, Sersi, and Ikaris were giving them. Only Sprite seemed confused as well, but her attention had mainly been fixated on Sersi and Ikaris, who danced around each other as well.

Later, when Phastos was revealing his plans for the bracelets, he held back a smile at the sight of Makkari leaning back against Druig, her face split it a soft, happy grin as he gently bumped her shoulder, playful in the way he only was with her. Phastos was sure no one but him noticed the way Druig's hands drifted to her hips, holding her in place against his chest as they listened.

Phastos secretly thought that they fit, like pieces of a machine. His darkness to her light.

enchanted | Druig x MakkariOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora