Birthday Breakfast

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Y/n's POV:


"My darling, it's time to get up"

Danny says softly in his British accent. I hear him, but I don't move even though he knows I'm awake.

"Do you remember what day it is today?" He asks, sitting on the side of my bed, resting his hand on my back.

I nod my head.

"Mmyeah... It's Tuesday" I mumble.

Danny gives a light chuckle as he starts to rub my back.

"Yes, dear. You are right. It is indeed a Tuesday. But it's not an ordinary Tuesday... Don't tell me you've forgotten?" He says hopefully.

I turn over slowly to face Danny, giving him a smug look.

"It's Tuesday... Also known as Wednesday Eve..." I say with a sarcastic laugh. I sit up slowly, and now I'm face-to-face with Danny. He's so cute...

"Or you would call it, my birthday" I say rolling my eyes.

Danny gives me a wide grin as he embraces me in a warm good-morning hug. My favourite.

"That's the right answer" He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He moves his hands from the hug and slowly brings them down to my hands, holding them in his own.

"Today you can spend the day however you want, my love" He grins.

"To be honest, Danny... I don't really want to go anywhere today. I'd just like to stay here and rest."

Danny looks into my eyes, giving a small chuckle,

"I knew you'd say that. So that's why I made you this..." He says, getting up from the bed and turning around. I look up at him and see he's wearing a nice fancy outfit...  It was probably for a TikTok.

"You look very dashing" I say, moving my shoulders a bit. Danny did a 180 to face me again, blushing slightly. I could see the redness through his makeup, but he wasn't trying to hide anything. He gives me a wink as he turns around again to go get something from the hallway.

As I see him leave the room I begin to hear some muffling and some bumping against the wall. Silence ensues for a few seconds before I hear a big thud, then a groan of pain.

"Gah, shit!" Danny says, trying to keep himself quiet. He gets up and carries a big tray into my room. It has legs so it could stand stable on my bed as I'm sitting down. I feel my heartbeat quicker as I see this British gentleman walk elegantly back into my room, acting as if nothing happened. On the tray, I see my favourite breakfast with my favourite drink. I look at Danny's face and see he's holding onto a rose with his mouth. He bows forward, giving me the tray of food.

"Thank you so much, good Sir" I say as I feel my heart beating very aggressively in my chest. For a split second, I forget how to breathe from how stunning he looks... This happens more than I'd like to admit.

"You're literally taking my breath away. How dare you be this attractive" I laugh as I pick up my utensils to start eating.

"I've been told that before." He says with a cheeky wink.

"Come sit." I say as I pat down the space next to me. Danny nods and walks to the other side of the bed, crawling on. He crosses his legs and fixes his posture as he gets something else from his suit pocket.

I begin eating my food, totally impressed by how perfect it tastes. The ratios of everything are just as I like it. I see the drink has just enough for myself which fills me with joy. This is all mine. I quickly take a sip from the drink right after I put some food into my mouth. Danny looks down at the food, twiddling his thumbs and not looking up at me.

"Is it good...?" He asks, switching back to his regular voice.

"I mean if it's not I can totally do something else, or I order something in?" He panics as he realizes his question has a bit too much seriousness, so he tries to lighten up his tone. I look back at him, taking a bunch of food and slowly putting it into my mouth. I stare him down as I begin chewing, making it very obvious that I'm doing so. I swallow my food loudly and quickly get a sip of my drink, not breaking eye contact.

"It's not good, it's GREAT! No... AMAZING!" I say catching my breath. I see Danny's face get washed with relief as he lets out a deep sigh, hunching over a bit.

"Whew, that makes me glad." He says, rubbing my back and laughing a bit.

"Do you wanna watch something on?" He asks, grabbing my TV remote. I nod as I have food shoved in my mouth, almost spilling out.

Danny gets the remote and finds the show we're watching together on Netflix (which so happens to be Demon Slayer)

I continue eating and drinking as I watch the gruesome anime with Danny. From the corner of my eye, I can see him taking off his suit jacket and undoing a couple of buttons from the undershirt. He folds the jacket and lays it on the floor next to his side of the bed then proceeds to put his legs under the covers and rests his head on my soft bed frame.

He's so handsome what the hell?  I think to myself, putting another scoop of food into my mouth.

~ ~ ~

After Danny realizes that I've finished my food, he jumps out of the bed immediately. I grab the remote and pause the episode to wait for him. After I see Danny dash out of the room, I begin to hear running water and the clanking of the dishes. A light scrubbing sound can be heard from a plate being brushed with a soapy sponge and running water. 

"I'll be there in a minute! Hold on!" I hear Danny shout from the kitchen.

"Take your time! I paused the episode" I shout back.

As I begin to wait for Danny I decide to brush my teeth and hair. I get up from my bed and do a nice morning stretch (which was amazing) before walking to the washroom. As I turn on the light I see two toothbrushes. Both from Miraculous Ladybug. Mine was Ladybug and Danny's was Chat Noir. I pick out my toothbrush, get the toothpaste and lightly squeeze a bit onto the stick. I quickly run the toothbrush under water before putting it in my mouth to begin the vigorous brushing. As I'm brushing my teeth (which is the only bone in the body that you actually clean) I pick up my hairbrush and start using my free hand to get the knots out of my messy hair.

Truly an expert multitasker.

Once I finish, I put down my hairbrush and rinse off the toothbrush. From a distance, I can hear Danny's footsteps down the hall. Looking through the mirror, I see him walk in, giving me a kiss on the back of my head. It still fills my tummy with butterflies. As I get a small cup and fill it with water, Danny stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head at the back of my neck, breathing softly. I begin swishing the water in your mouth, then I hear Danny mumble something but I could only understand "Happy, you, m, and life".

"What was that, Danny?" I ask after spitting the water out. Danny lifts his head and then rests it on my shoulder, looking at me through the mirror.

"I said that I'm so happy to have you in my life." He repeats, kissing my neck softly which keeps making my heart melt.

I smile as I lightly hold Danny's kiss against my neck with my hand. He proceeds to give me a few more kisses as he holds my neck to remain sturdy.

"How can I thank you for the breakfast and dishes...?" I ask quietly, enjoying the consistent kisses on my neck.

I hear Danny hum to himself. You know it. The accent is coming.

"Let's just stay in and have some fun~" He says, lifting his head a bit, and giving me a cheeky grin, still looking at my neck. Danny proceeds to pick me up bridal style and carry me to my room, closing the door behind him.

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