"N- no." He stuttered. "Stay. P- please don't go." Atsumu begged. He was struggling to breath and his chest felt tight as he got the words out.

Suzume wasn't going to lie, it scared her to see him in such a state. He was dripping with sweat, and his hands were trembling. A far different version of the boy she knew.

"I'm not going anywhere, alright?" She said calmly which he nodded in response.

She slowly made her way over to him. He pushed himself off the wall to put his arms around her. She supported his weight as they sat on the bench, rubbing his back to help soothe him.

"Breathe with me." She said calmly and he looked at her, trying to sync his breathing with hers.

"Please... Zume-chan."

"Hey, I promise I'm not going anywhere." She reinforced. "I'm here, just breathe."

He eventually managed to calm down and they stayed like that for a while. He was utterly exhausted. He rested his head on her shoulder as he took slow and steady breaths. She didn't care how sweaty he was, all she cared about was that he was okay.

"Don't leave me again Zume-chan." He whispered before falling into dreamland.


When Atsumu woke up, the first thing he noticed was the familiar pear and aloe scent. He looked up to see her eyes fluttered closed and he felt himself relax in her presence.

'So beautiful.' He hummed as he played with her fingers. She soon stirred awake, and he shifted a bit.

"I'm really sorry 'bout what happened." He apologised, rubbing his head sheepishly. "I don't know what happened, so ya can just forget it ever-"

"Atsumu, what's going on?" She cut him off, a stern look on her face that was mixed with worry.

"Ya don't need to worry 'bout it-"

"Judging by what just happened, yeah I do. You scared the crap out of me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Don't apologise. You know you can talk to me."


"How long?" She asked and the boy looked at her in surprise. 'Did 'Samu tell her?'

"How long... What?" He asked and she simply gave him a stern look again. He couldn't meet her eye so he looked away, sighing in defeat.

"I've been having them for a while now..." he confessed, and she felt her hands tighten.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because ya don't need to concern yer self with it." He tried to brush it off but she wasn't having it.

"I still care about you, you know."

"H- how'd ya know I was havin' panic attacks? Did 'Samu tell ya?" The boy asked and she shook her head.

"I used to get them at Shiratorizawa when I lost my position. I felt pretty hopeless."

'Yeah, I know the feelin'.'

"In actual fact, Oikawa was the one who helped me get past them."

'Of course, it's always Oikawa who's there.' The boy thought.

"And moving here I think helped clear my head." Oikawa wasn't the only one who had helped. Moving to a new place and making new friends helped her fresh start and get past the previous worries.

Little Bird (Miya Atsumu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now