
Start from the beginning

no way this is the jay park sunghoon and lauren talked about a while back. i mean it couldnt be right? she must have missed something. it couldnt be him anyways, his name was jongseong. i mean how could it be? this jay looks awfully like the jongseong sunghoon had talked about, but his name was jay?

"his korean name is jongseong but most engenes call him jay"

oh my god. this was jongseong. the exact same one who had followed her back on instagram. the exact same one who lived in america just like her. the exact same one sunghoon had mentioned when she was struggling with her vocabulary packet.

she pointed to the next figure who had a slit in his eyebrow, "this is jake. he's from Australia isnt that so cool?"

"wow, so cool!", lauren said expressively trying to hide her sarcasm. she didn't want the girl to go away because she was her source of concealed information.

she pointed to a tall and wide eyed figure, "this is heeseung. hes the oldest."

lauren nodded her head and the girl moved her finger to a cat like boy that stood in the middle of the seven boys, "this is jungwon, he's the leader. he's so adorable and he has dimples."

"aw dimples so cute." this time the sarcasm was very noticeable in her voice but the girl seemed to not acknowledge it and instead said, "hey you have dimples too! ugh i wish i had dimples"

lauren disregarded her comment and pointed to the only person she knew. sunghoon — her sunghoon.

"this is sunghoon."

"right! that's sunghoon but a lot of people call him ice prince since he used to be a figure skater, im guessing you already knew that since his sticker is on the back of your phone case. you never told me where you got it from? did you get it from the weverse shop?"

if lauren was being honest, all she paid attention to was the fact she said sunghoon's name. she knew he was figure skater. she knew his nickname was ice prince. she knew everything.

she didn't even know how to answer her, she didn't even know what a 'weverse shop' was so how was she supposed to answer?

"oh um my friend gave it to me a while ago," lauren looked back down at the girls, "what are these two members names? i always forget."

the sweet girl's face lit up. "this one," she pointed to the one with silver hair, "this is sunoo, hes my bias"

lauren pointed to the tall pink haired boy, "and this one?"

"ni-ki! hes the youngest."

lauren was amazed.

amazed at the fact that her sunghoon, which she was still contemplating even calling him considering he wasn't even hers to begin with and more of a whole fandom's, was able to hide nor ever mention he was an idol.

i mean, its not like being an idol was the biggest part of information he somehow forgot to mention right?

"i think i'll remember their names now, thank you for being so nice about it- wait i actually don't know your name?"

she stuck out her hand, "jeong aera! i actually never caught your name either?"

"oh its sun-hee. park sun-hee." lauren shook the girls hand.

she knew that she was already in too deep with aera. if lauren was being completely truthful with herself, she didnt know why she lied about her name or why she came up with a similar one to sunghoon's but he was the only thing on her mind and not in a good way.

even though aera beamed an aura of kindness, lauren was uninterested in being her friend. in this moment she was trying to figure out every possible way to bring up how sunghoon was an idol and how he had never mentioned it to her.

was this what sunghoon had scratched out in hana's message? it all made sense to her now. why he would always be up so early like today, why he avoided some of her questions, and why he had so many followers.

lauren did not want not a single ounce of being apart of an idol's life, let alone be in a relationship with one. she knew how people reacted when their favorite celebrities got together with someone and how crazy their supporters would get. lauren could put up a fight with people, but not tons of crazy delusional people that think they were together with the celebrity they admired.

sunghoon hadn't even asked lauren to be his girlfriend, they were just dating after all. so how could her final decision of ghosting him actually hurt him?

thats all she could do.

her emotion from confused and understanding slowly changed into anger.

she realized what he had done. he lied, and how much she hated liars.

she didn't care if it hurt sunghoon anymore, he lied. she didn't want to be with an idol and a liar.

as the day went by lauren couldn't wait to get home, after all she didnt have to worry about her daily meet up sunghoon anymore.


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