Part 4

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It's a couple of days later and Kat texted me letting me know that Colby, Jake, Tara, and Shea are in town. She asked if we could all go to lunch together and I said I would go. I walked upstairs ready to go.

"Should have I invited Jamison?" I asked my brother pacing. "It's going to be fine. He brought Shea remember?" Steven said trying to calm me down. I nodded and then there was a knock on the door. I opened it slowly to see Jamison, 6"2 with beautiful hazel eyes and dark hair. He had a little scruff shaping his face, he was dressed in a black shirt with the face design on it and light blue jeans. I smiled up at him. "You look beautiful." He said smiling down at me.

"Thank you. You look handsome." I smiled at him. I kissed my brother on the cheek after saying bye and the boys shook hands. I drove my truck there. Jamison's hand was on my thigh the whole time, which made my nerves lessen and the smile on my face grow. When we got to the little diner, I took a few deep breaths and turned my truck off. Jamison opened my door for me and helped me out.

The group pulled in as he helped me out. I saw Colby and Tara staring at me and Jamison. The nerves that I had just lost came right back. "J I don't think I can do this." I breathed out. "Nic I'll be with you the whole time. If you even need to leave I'll be right with you and we can go." He grabbed onto my hands to comfort me as he spoke to me. I pouted a little, "Thank you."

"I'm here for you always." He said before wrapping me in a hug. I heard someone clear their throat and pulled away from the tight embrace I was in. "Jake! Why are you like this?" Tara questioned. I squealed and ran to the small girl and hugged her. I heard her giggle as she gave me a tight squeeze. I hugged Jake next and he picked me up. I laughed and begged him to put me down.

He set me down and I saw him. "Hi." He smiled at me. "Hey." I opened my arms for a hug. He walked up to me and gave me a bear hug. After he let go I looked at the girl awkwardly standing by herself. "You must be Shea." I smiled at her. She nodded. "I'm Nicole. You can call me Nicky." I said opening my arms inviting her for a hug. She hugged me and I saw the nerves she was caring leave her. "It's nice to meet you," I whispered to her.

"Oh! I'm so sorry J! Guys this is Jamison. Jamison, this is Sam, Kat, Tara, Jake, Colby, and Shea." I said holding Jamison's hand. I smiled up at him as he shook everyone's hand. "Let's go get food!" I said excitedly.  We filed into the diner and sat at a group of combined tables. I sat between Shea and Jamison.

After we ordered food, we told stories and made jokes. Jamison placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed a little making me giggle. "Are you two a couple?" Shea asked me and Jamison. Colby choked a little on his drink and the group got quiet. "Uh..." I looked up at Jamison for an answer. "Not yet." He grinned while answering. "We are friends right now." I awkwardly smiled then looked at Kat with wide eyes, she just shrugged. "Are you and Colby dating?" I asked then sipped my tea causing Colby to choke a little again.

"Oh. No, Colby doesn't date. But if he did we definitely would be." She explained, Tara giggled a little and Jake pushed her a little to stop her. "Oh. Well, I wish you guys luck in dating." I winked at her. She giggled, "you know. I know you and Colby dated. And I wanted so bad to hate you because you are THE ex. But I can't hate you." She admitted.

"Honestly, I just want to be happy. And I want him to be happy too, even if it's not with me. We are friends who had a complicated past, but friends are family and family means that we want each other to be happy." I smiled at her then at Jamison. "God I wish all your ex's were like this!" Sam blurted causing Kat to gasp and everyone else to laugh.

We soon got our food and ate. "You guys are welcome to come to mine, we can have some drinks and play some games." Jamison offered. Tara, Jake, Sam, Kat, and Shea were quick to accept his offer. Colby said nothing just did a slight nod after everyone agreed. "That's a great idea J!" I smiled up at him. We paid our bill and the group followed me to Jamison's house.

"You know, Colby is kind of a dick." He said once we pulled into his driveway. I gave him a funny look. "He is playing Shea and has been staring me down all night." He explained his thoughts. "Yeah. I noticed, but he's not normally like this. I swear once you get to know him. He's a good guy." I defended. "I'll give him a chance, but only for you." He smiled and leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him back, but I cut it short when I realized that everyone was waiting on us to let them into the house.

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