Surprise Surprise

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(Still doing freestyles until my computer gets fixed)

Y/n was tied Danny's shoes before standing up. "There and remember to use the bunny method okay?" Y/n asked. Danny nodded. "Okay come on" Y/n grabbed his hand before the two walked into the school.

Y/n walked up to the front desk attendant. "Hi how may I help you today?" The attendant answered. Y/n looked at her name tag and read 'Diana'.

Y/n's POV:

"Hi I wanted to enroll my brother into school. I believe I talked to you on the phone earlier" I started. Diana smiled. "Oh yes, Danny correct?" I nodded with a smile.

"I just need his birth certificate and proof that you are his legal guardian" Diana said. I nodded before looking into my purse. My nerves were all over the place. I never in a million years saw myself enrolling my brother for school.

Even though not everyone would understand why it was so nerve racking but it's because I felt so adult like. I wondered if I would feel like this when I would be enrolling my kids. Of course then the adult like feeling with fade away because I'll be married and have kids and a house and- oh there's the papers.

I unfolded them and slid the papers over to Diana. She ever eyes scanned over them with some occasional nods but then her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Two birth certificates?" She looked up at me. Danny held onto my hand.

"Oh yes, I'm his sister. He's staying with me until we move into my dad's" I explained. Diana nodded still seeming unsure. "Right here your father's name is blank. You two don't have the same mother either" Diana pointed out.

That's when my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Really the name is blank" Diana slid the paper over to me. I felt Danny's gaze on me but my mind was too consumed on the very visible blank space where my father's name was supposed to be.

I'd never looked at my birth certificate. I never really cared for it. I let my parents handle all the identification because it wasn't like I needed it now in life. But sitting here looking at the blank box I was wishing I would've cared.

"I'm sorry I must've bought the wrong one" I played off before looking back at Diana. "So many papers in my house is it possible we can reschedule?" I asked.

"Oh don't stress it hon. Of course we can. What time would you prefer"

Third Person:

Y/n and Danny walked into Luke's room. "Hey guys, how was the enrollment?" Luke asked as he walked over. He and Y/n shared a small peck before he high fived. "We didn't get a chance to enroll him" Y/n said as she quickly walked over to her dresser.

"Too many people?" Luke asked as he looked back at her. Y/n hummed in response as she was rummaging through her papers and folders. She pulled out one specific file before sitting on the floor. Luke turned to Danny.

" I just got some new water guns man they're in the living room can you fill them up for us?" He asked. "Yay" Danny said before racing out of the room. Luke walked over as Y/n has papers spread out in front of her.

He took a seat next to her. "Everything okay?" Y/n was scanning over all the papers. "My fathers name isn't on my birth certificate. I called my mom and no answer. Her service is out"

"Have you tried calling your dad?" Y/n looked at him. "You know that probably would've been a good start" Luke let out a small laugh making Y/n smile."Slip ups happen all the time. I'm sure it was an accident of the printer ran out of ink"

"It's just so weird though" Y/n placed the papers down as she looked at them. "My parents have been together since forever. I have pictures of my dad with my mom while she was pregnant it makes no sense" Luke smiled.

"Being a teenager makes no sense. One day everything is good the next everything is out of place. It's a part of life not everything is made to make sense" Y/n looked at him with a light blush.

"Since when did you get so wise?" She teased. " Volunteering at the SC home gets my far" Luke smirked. "Your job is to play bingo with old people" Y/n told him. "Hey, Bertha has taught me a lot" Luke defended.

"You really want those extra credit points huh?" Y/n asked. "You have to get me out of there" Y/n laughed.

Y/n's POV:

Another restless night, I've been up for hours. I thought it stopped but I guess it's back again. I'm hoping it's just my nerves of my birth certificate. It just makes no sense how could my dads name not be there. And of course the one time I needed my mom she didn't answer.

I can't continue to stress about this considering how I have to help out at the dog shelter tomorrow. Me and Luke take a community class and the latest project was volunteer at a nearby place in need. Those poor pups did not need a tired me so I decided to wash away my nerves and call my dad.

I walked outside to the terrace quietly closing the door behind me. I sat down at the table before calling my dad. She was usually a night owl so for him not to answer would be a bit out of character.

"Hello" My breath hitched. It had been a while since I talked to my father. We didn't end on bad terms we just...drifted a part. Can you drift apart with a parent? "Hi dad" I replied.

My fingers began messing with the hem of my sweater. "Y/n is everything okay?" I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "Yeah everything great I just um...I had a question"

"This late at night honey?" He tried to lighten to mood. "It's kind of serious" "What's wrong?" I could sense the worry in his voice. Maybe this wouldn't turn into a good idea.

"I went to enroll Danny in school today and since you and mom aren't here I used me and Danny's birth certificates so they could know I was his sister but mom wasn't his and your name wasn't on mine. It was blank" I confessed.

It was a small silence before I decided to fill it. "I was just wondering what happened? Did it not print correctly?" I heard my dad sigh and the clink of his glasses touching the desk. I knew for sure he was rubbing his eyes from frustration. A common for him.

"I didn't want you to find out like this" He finally spoke. "Find out what?" I questioned, It was a small silence again. "Dad?" "Y/n honey you and Danny....." My posture straightened up. "You guys aren't related"

"What? That's crazy. You're my dad and his dad and we both have the same mom-" "That's the problem honey" My heart began beating rapidly. "What is?"

"You and Danny don't have the same mother. And...I'm not your real father" My heart fell to my stomach while my lunch rose up to my throat. "What?" I choked out as tears clouded my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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