Chapter 6: Many A True Word Is Spoken In Jest

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~*~The Next Day At The Pizzeria~*~
Third Person POV

        (Y/n) and Leigh-Anne came in around ten, with (Y/n) still in her pajamas. They were a little early but that didn't matter since the minute (Y/n) walked in, Chica's been telling her about how much she missed her. (Y/n) seemed to be only half listening as Chica talked to her, since she was still half asleep. Bonnie seemed to be pouting, while Freddy was helping Mr. Weiss and Foxy was shining/polishing his hook.        
         Today the WHOLE place was rented for a birthday party,  meaning more people then usual and that they opened around ten thirty. So, they had about a half hour before it opened. Leigh-Anne giggled at a tired and confused (Y/n) who was being hugged by Chica. 
"(Y/n)-chan, wanna come and get ready ? We're opening soon." (Y/n) looked at Leigh-Anne before slowly nodding and following her to the bathroom, leaving Chica pouting.
"You're welcome to come with us, Chica." Leigh-Anne smiled, causing the chicken to 'smile' and nod as she followed after them. 
        The three girls walked into the staff bathroom. Leigh-Anne quickly changed into her uniform (Which is in the picture), before helping (Y/n) undress her till she was naked.
"What are those ?" Chica had noticed that both Leigh-Anne and (Y/n) both had them.

"These ?" Leigh-Anne grabbed (Y/n)'s breasts, making the younger girl blush darkly and let out a squeal.
"What's wrong ?!" Footsteps could be heard before the bathroom door swung open, Mr. Weiss, Mike (who was the night and day security guard), and the three anamatronics stood there, staring at the two girls and the girl anamatronic. (Y/n) screamed as loud as she could and covered herself the best she could as Leigh-Anne brought her into body, covering her also. The five men/anamatronics stuttered out an apology before shutting the door, the two non-anamatronics blushing darkly, but, if the anamatronic's could blush, they'd also be blushing darkly.

        (Y/n) looked like she was gonna cry as Leigh-Anne helped her get dressed into her usual outfit.
"Anyway, those-" Leigh-Anne pointed at (Y/n)'s breasts, making the (h/c) haired girl blush darkly and cover her chest in response. 
"Are what all girls get when they hit puberty." Chica tilted her head, looking confused.
"Then how come I don't have them ?" Both girls froze for a second before Leigh-Anne thought of something, not wanting to hurt the anamatronic's feelings she said,
"Maybe you just haven't hit puberty yet." She smiled softly at her before opening the door and holding it for the two girls who came out.
        For the rest of the day they avoided the guys at all costs. At least until (Y/n) had to preform. All the kids quietly stood near the stage, waiting to hear the young Vocaloid sing. She smiled as the music began she started to sing and dance.
(Probably my favorite Vocaloid song ever~ And Teto's voice is just right for it!!)
        She smiled as she ended that song, and began a second one, the kids smiling and cheering, and some were even dancing.

        She bowed before smiling and walking off the stage. When she was off, she was mobbed by a bunch of little kids. She smiled and quieted them down a bit before talking to them.
"That was so awesome (Y/n)!!" Said girl blushed and bowed. She wasn't used to all the attention she'd been receiving.
"A-arigato." This continued till Chica came over and saved the girl, who retreated to the anamatronic studio and sat on one of the couches. 
        She loved kids, but they tended to be a little to energetic. She wasn't saying that was bad, just that it was hard to follow them. But, at times she could be crazy to, so she didn't really have the right to call them out on it.
"Ye okay lassie ?" She looked up to see Foxy and smiled at him slightly as she nodded.
"Hai, I'm fine. Just a rittre tired from the kids." He chuckled as he sat beside the smaller girl.
"Aye, I 'ear ye." He patted her head, earning a soft giggle from her.
        He smiled, well, the best he could. He liked this girl already, especially because of how gentle she seemed to be. It'd also be good for Chica to have another girl, just so she didn't make the guys do girly things.  They sat in a comfortable silence till Leigh-Anne came and got (Y/n), to tell her that they were closing so she had to get ready to go to the security office. Said girl nodded as she began to gather her things as the anamatronics walked into the room and sat down.
"Good night Miss (Y/n)." Freddy said, tipping his hat to her with a smile. She smiled back and bowed, being careful not to drop her things.
"Oyasuminasai Freddy-senpai." She waved at them as she left the room, headed for the security office.
        As she walked to the security office, Mr. Weiss stopped her.
"(Y/n)!" He called as he ran to her.
"Hai ?"

"I was wondering if you could watch the camera's tonight ? Mike called in sick a few minutes ago..." The (H/c) girl nodded.
"Hai, I wirr."

"Thank you so much!" He grinned at the girl and patted her head before walking off. 
       (Y/n) smiled slightly and continued on her way to the security office. When she got there, she began to set up, which ment make her bed and then set the tablet on her lap. She was nearly finished with making her bed, when she heard a light tap-tapping on the window. She looked up, through her bangs, only to see no one. She shook her head as she sat on the small couch when she finished making her bed.
"I don't see why I'm getting arr worried. It's not rike the anamatronics are going to come arive and try to scare me or anything.." The (h/c) girl muttered sarcastically. 
        She was much differently when she was alone. She tended to laugh and smile more, as well as be more sarcastic. That's because she felt more comfortable around herself, then around a ton of people. But, once she was comfortable, that's how she'll act.
"I don't see why I have to watch the camera's...I highry doubt that peopre are going to try and stear the anamatronics...." She muttered with a small yawn as she flipped through the camera's. Soon, the clock struck twelve.

12:00 am

        You were listening to your headphones as you flipped through the camera's and ate pocky. Nothing seemed to be happening, other then that light tap-tapping on your window, but you didn't notice because your headphones were blasting music.

1:00 am

        The tapping was gone, but you could've sworn you heard whispers in the hallway. It actually, kinda scared you, since you couldn't see anyone, but you tried to brush it off as you put your head phones back on. 

2:00 am

        Okay, you're officially scared.. Especially since you saw a golden bear at the window....And maybe Chica, you weren't sure.
"This is so scary..." You whimpered as you curled into a ball on the couch.

3:00 am

"When will this end ?" You whispered as you hugged your knees to your chest, tears in the corner of your eyes. The golden Freddy look alike was scaring you since he would randomly appear and then disappear. 

4:00 am

        Everything was relatively calm, and you were slowing beginning to get tired. So, you let your head rest on your pillow for a minute, just to rest your eyes, you weren't going to sleep.

5:00 am

        You had fallen asleep with the tablet held to your chest as you cuddled it and a pillow. You were shivering though, since it was kinda cold in the room. A figure of a male walked into the room, humming a soft tune as he gently took the tablet and set it on the table. Then, he covered up and kissed your forehead.
"Good night love." He whispered as he walked away.

6:00 am

        The young, (h/c) Vocaloid was fast asleep, her (h/c) hair was sprawled out all over the couch and her pillow. She had a small smile on her face as she cuddled a pillow. 

'DING DONG DING DONG' The bell rung, signalling it was six o'clock. The young girl stirred and rolled over before falling back into a peaceful slumber.

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