"Hey don't touch them! Their girls!" He stated and pushed the boys back. I thought he was doing it because he loves us but nope just because we are girls. I feel attacked honestly. The fight went on for a while but it got so loud that the teacher and the principal heard it.

Atoms were going everywhere and Karp and Peter were still going against Connie, Guy, Charlie, me and now Fulton. The teacher ran in and tried to pick up all of his atoms but it clearly was not working. 

She principal basically ran in and told everyone to sit down in their seats. The strange thing was that by the end we had a missing table and desk, plus I ended up with Charlies hat on my head instead of him wearing it. 

"I have never in my life!" She tried to say but couldn't finish it. we were all smiling at Charlie still standing up and none of us were really paying attention.
"Well?! What have you got to say for yourselves?" She asked nobody in particular because the entire class was just fighting over our coach. 

We were still smiling and laughing when someone quacked. We looked around and saw Jesse. Slowly everybody joined in and we were quacking at the principal. I mean we got detention for it but we were working together and we weren't fighting for once which was something unusual. 

It was not lunch and we were all in room 223 writing on the chalk boards and saying 'i will not quack at the principal' over and over. It was kinda boring and I got sick of it. Seeing as there were not supervisors I just sat down in the corner and didn't do anything. 

"Maddi will you get up and do your work?" Averman asked and made everyone turn to me.
"Hey I'm not the one who started it." I said and put my hands up. All over a sudden the door opened and in walks Mr Gordan Bombay. My frown got bigger and I looked down at the ground.

"What do you want?" Karp asked and looked over at him. 
"I want to talk to you guys." He says and looks around, stopping at me. 
"People." Tammy reminds him and he corrects himself.

"Could all of you please sit down?" He asked and nobody listened. None of us wanted to talk to him except maybe Fulton and Charlie. He then continued.
"Look what's done is done. I wanna be your coach again." He started walking further into the classroom.

I still couldn't look him directly in the eyes. There was no way I was going to play for him again. 
"You want to coach a bunch of losers?" Averman meant to sound funny but it wasn't. 
"No, I want to coach the ducks." He made sure and looked around the room once again stopping on me.

I could feel his gaze on my head but I just had my phone in my hands playing with the cover.
"What about all those things you said? You said we didn't deserve to live." Karp sounded sad and hearing someone else say it made my heart hurt to. 

Warming up to people is hard especially when they have let you down once before, but hearing what they said about you is so much harder. Bombay sighed and looked over at Karp.
"Karp I was being sarcastic. You know what that means?" He asked and Karp obviously answered sarcastically. 

"Okay. Then you do. I didn't mean those things the way they sounded. You guys know how it feels to be misunderstood right?" He asked and most of us nodded. I just hung my head ready for what he was about to say.

Whether he was telling the truth right now or not, I would not give him another chance. 
"Yeah of course, I mean we're kids." Peter sounded like he was on the verge of tears. 
"So.... Can you forgive me? Can I be your coach again?" 

"Well what about Banks?" Guy asked and that shot my head up. I forgot that he has to play on our team now to. Connie just looked at me with a sad gaze.
"He can be on the team if he wants." Bombay started and looked over at me. I swear he was trying to make me hate him more and more every day. 

"He should have been with us all year, it's you guys who got cheated. But let's forget that crap for now." Wow. Thanks for calling my best friend crap Bombay, way to make me cheer for you.  
"We're a team right?" He started getting louder and everybody was getting into it. Except me.

"I made you guys. And I'm sticking with you." He  said and then looked at Charlie. I'm gonna guess that had something to do with why he was crying when he got home yesterday. Charlie smiled and Bombay turned back around to look at the rest of us. 

"So. What's it gonna be? We can play tomorrow night and still have a shot at the play-offs.... or forfeit again, and the seasons over. Peter what do you say?" He asked and Peter said yes considering he's the reason all of this happened.

"Alright, let's see if I can get all of you out of detention." Bombay said and I stood up so everyone was paying attention.
"Count me out. I gave you a second chance and you blew it. I don't want to play for someone who get's my hopes up and then ruins them the same day." I said and walked out of the class room seeing as detention was over. 

I heard them all yelling about being ducks not long after I left and it hurt me even more. Connie tried to get my attention but I think Charlie stopped her. I messaged Adam and asked if I could come over to talk. I didn't want to go to a public place or go to my house seeing as Charlie probably wouldn't shut up about hockey now. 

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