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"Come on! Work fast!" Workers were working on a military base. "Prepare the Space ships! We need them for the mission!" The commander there ordered the whole military base.

"Sir, they are back in their room. You can meet them now," said a staff member in the commander's ears.

"Nice, I will be back. Make sure to complete the work," said the commander as the staff member bowed and nodded. The commander leads his way to the office of his senior. He knocked on the door, and a soft voice replied to the knock. The commander opened the door.

"We are ready to go?" before the commander could say anything, the male in the room questioned.

"Yes, sir. We are ready, but Mr Shirosagijo-" the commander got cut off by the loud sigh of the male in front of him. Commander understands that he makes a big mistake by taking the name he doesn't have to. "Ahem~, Mr Shirosagijo is ready for the mission, and like always, you know what time he reaches the launchpad. I must go back now. I have work." After completing his sentence, without turning, the commander left the room.

The male in the room sighed. "I don't think it's a good choice to take Lui with me. He will surely spoil the plan like always." his decision makes him confused, but he knows that there's no way he could stop Lui. If Lui makes his decision, he never changes it. The male stands up from his chair and leaves the room. Leaving the room, he made his way to the launchpad.

"Why is it taking so long?!" Everyone was doing their job until the disaster came there.

"Sir, it takes a little longer. If we don't go through the plan, It can create big problems," One of the men there said as he sweatdropped.

"If it takes that long, I am leaving!" the male said as everyone there looked in silence.

"Sir, this is an important mission, plus, It will take just a little longer. We will not make you wait for too long," the commander came there and handled the situation while the latter glared at him. The flammed-haired male walked towards the commander and whispered in his ears,

"Don't make me wait too long, or else, you know the result." he finished and sat on a bench. "Now stop staring at me and start working!" everyone gets their attention by hearing the loud voice of the flamed-haired male. Everyone starts working again as fast as they can.

An hour passed, and the flammed-hair male was glaring at everyone. Death glares. Everyone got anxious by seeing the male's attention on them. He was about to stand up when someone came to him as he looked at the familiar face.

"It's not good. You're again shouting at others." the flammed-hair male looked at the white-haired male in his crimson orbs.

"It's your bad that you have such lazy and slow workers here," he replied rudely as the red-eyed male sighed.

"It's ready now. Come on," They lead to the launchpad where the huge space shuttle was.

"Sir, we have checked everything. You are ready now," the commander said.

"Good job." the white-haired male appreciated as he started walking up on the space shuttle. Meanwhile, the flamed-haired male shows his middle finger to everyone before leaving.

"Oh Lui," seeing Lui's disrespectful behaviour, the red-eyed male shut his eyes in disappointment. They started leaving, and the White-haired male looked at Lui. "What was going on there?" he asked.

"I can treat them however I like. What's your problem?" Lui replied. "You aren't a genius, so don't act like you know everything," Lui said.

"Yeah, yeah. Like you are," the albino male rolled his eyes.

Soul of the loved ones (Hiatus)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें