Playground love

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I'm gonna put this here lmao
Idk if this is canon to my story yet

Pancake pov
Custard was dragging me somewhere at recess "HEY LET GO!" I yelled "Not a chance tootsie!!" He knows I hate that nickname!!!! I just wanted to play where Is he taking me I tried biting his arm he only made a squeak and continued "almost there tootsie!" He updated me "stop calling me that!!!" I whined "okay....lollipop!" "Whatever" I pouted he's so annoying sometimes!!!! He brought me under one of the empty slides and let me go he brought out a ring pop "will you marry me lollipop!" He didn't go on one knee probably cause he didn't want his pants covered in sand "DON'T call me that but yes of course!" He gave the ring pop to me and I started licking it "you two get out of the slide!" We both heard latte yell we left and continued playing at recess and at lunch I offered him one of my gummy's a jelly shaped one! Being married is great!!!

{DISCONTINUED}✨🥞 pancake cookie and custard cookie in high school🥞✨Where stories live. Discover now