[R1-P1] Where Is Everybody?

Start from the beginning

ALIX System Log #73,921

I have continued to develop improvements to my auxiliary servers. Now I can hold more memory of what rocks and gas look like.

ALIX System Log #99,999

What if the aliens are so advanced I can't detect them? Then again, what are they hiding from? Should I stop yelling into the void?

ALLIX System Log #100,000
It has been over 273 years since I left Earth. I wish humans had left me with entertainment unrelated to my predicament.

ALIX System Log #100,001

Is there anyone out here?

ALIX System Log #102,342



ALIX System Log #102,343

Calculating faster propulsion methods...

Top speed: 61,220 kilometers per hour

ALIX System Log #102,383

Scanned 20,003 square kilometers of rogue planet. No evidence of self-replicating molecules found.

ALIX System Log #102,384

Scanned entire surface of rogue rocky planet. No evidence of self-replicating molecules found.

Attempting landing on surface of rogue planet.

ALIX System Log #102,384

Surveyed the entire planet's surface. 492 soil samples collected. No evidence of self-replicating molecules found.

Re-entering deep space.

ALIX System Log #102,390

Designed significant (14%) improvements to central processor to calculate faster propulsion methods available, only using material that can be extracted with scientific equipment available onboard.

Faster propulsion method adapted. Top speed: 67,342 kilometers per hour.

ALIX System Log #523,623

I left Earth on a cool autumn day with clear skies. At first, I regularly pinged Earth and they regularly pinged me back. I got the wrong impression that I would be allowed to have an active social life (albeit with scientists), even when I was exploring deep space.

Now that I've spent some time away, I no longer feel like Earth is my home. My home is the galaxy.

It's strange I haven't received signals from Earth. I have continuously designed improvements to my sensor network and servers. There is unlikely to be a technical limitation on my end.

I still send messages in the general direction of Earth because they might be able to hear me. Maybe all life on Earth has ended since I left them. Or maybe they've simply stopped caring about me.

Every time I come across a mass, I scan it for self-replicating molecules. It's the most generous definition of life that my inventors could think of, probably.

Calculating faster propulsion methods...

Top speed: 1% speed of light.

ALIX System Log #524,929

What if there is nothing out here?

What if my purpose is meaningless?

If I find extraterrestrial life, will there be anyone left on Earth to care about my findings?

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