Chapter Forty-Four: Ground Beta

Start from the beginning

He slowly turns his gaze to me, gulping and holding his phone to his chest. I notice the scar on his hand.

As Kaminari makes small talk with Yaoyorozu and Jirou, I take out my phone. With the attention not on me, I begin to text Midoriya. We had exchanged numbers that one time when we all went shopping. In case we got lost, we had everyone's number. 


Is everything alright? What did Katsuki say to you?

He glances down to his phone, and looks troubled. As if he doesn't know how to respond. So I wait a moment. His texting bubble then pops up.


He wants to talk about my quirk.

I widen my eyes and stop. Katsuki is seated across from me, in between Ojiro and Kirishima. I watch him carefully, and how he's quieter than usual. He's just listening to everyone. Almost like he's reading the room. I can't say this is normal. 


He asked to meet me outside.


Do you want me to come along with you guys?


No, it's alright. Everything should be fine. 

I look up to him. He's panicking. Everything is not fine. 

I don't mention it to the two after that. Everyone goes to bed. I ride up with Katsuki in the elevator, speaking nothing. He only has his hands in his pockets. I have my phone in my back pocket and I stare aimlessly at the doors. 

When they open, I give him a soft 'goodnight' and he waves his hand at me. It was his usual way of saying it back. But this time, it felt different. Maybe because I was worried about him and Midoriya. 

Although, with all that nervousness, I fall asleep as soon as I lay on my bed. I'm tired

I usually liked falling asleep to dream. 

People in the real world weren't at all like what they were in my head. Where I imagined a more nicer version of them. So when I dreamt of them, they were treating me like how I wanted to be treated. Or how I had hoped it would be. All the sweet smiles and the compliments, replacing the hateful things they've said or probably have thought of me. It makes me wish I could stay there forever. 

But now, dreaming felt like a cage. A jail designed all for me. 

I jolt up awake, reaching out for something that wasn't there. My chest is heavy and I'm breathless. My shoulders are shaking and I can't find it in myself to stop the tears that are now pouring from my eyes. I'm staring widely at my lap, covered in messy blankets. I've been tossing and turning, shown by the way my bed is set up now. I feel shivers all around me, as if it were cold. But my head is heated and my body feels so sweaty. I can't be cold.

It takes me a while to realise I'm still in my dorm. Swallowing my nerves, I take a deep breath in, hold it and then breathe out. My chest still shivers, but it's calming down. Wiping my tears from my face, I slide myself over the side of my bed. My hand is over my face as I stand and go put on my slippers. I need a drink.

I hate this. I hate it all.

All Might, Kamino Ward, why was it all happening so fast?

I thought all of those nasty things happened only after I graduated, and became an actual Pro Hero. 

If growing up is such a natural thing to do, then why am I staying in the same spot I've always been in? 

I'm drinking water from the glass I chose when I hear a faint explosion in the background. I walk closer to the windows at the front. There, I can see some hues of orange and green mixing at Ground Beta. It's faint, but I can tell it's there. If I was half-asleep, that would be a different story. 

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