Commencement of Rookie Hunt

Start from the beginning

"But Iruma-sama—" He said. "We have to be on an intense lookout. Who knows what this vigilante could do in her vulnerable state." He said. Kuro nodded with her. "I found it weird that someone is looking at her, but I thought this person had the permission because she smiled at the camera. No, they may have some intentions to this. We can't let them get away with this!"

"Guys, guys." She whispered as they all looked at her, and she merely give a soft smile that matched with her softened expression. Kuro and Asmodeus were calmed down instantly as if they were not ever angry before. "It's fine. I can ask Master to look into this and I'll just have to make sure my guard is always up."

'Admittedly, this is done on my foolishness. This sort of reminds me of the time an older guy stalked me.' She shuddered at the thought when she remembered that day. The older male stalked her when she was going home from middle school. After opening the gate, she stepped on the stairs only to feel an arm around her waist and hand covered her mouth. She kicked and screamed, though her voice was muffled as he dragged her out of her yard. Luckily, her mom happened to be driving to her house since she was finished with work early that day. She saw her daughter being carried away and she quickly parked the vehicle, came out with her bag and screamed at him. Before he could let her go, her mother called for help and swung her bag so hard on his temple that it knocked him out. He was arrested, charged,  went through a trial as for her young age testified against him, convicted and sentence to prison for aggravated assault, attempted kidnapping, malicious intent to harm on a minor. 

She shuddered upon recalling the awful memory. She learnt the hard way to keep her guard up because of that, but thankfully her mom happened to come home in time or else she doesn't know what would happen to her.

Iruma noticed the shudder then placed his hand on her back. She turned to him and he give a cute smile and she bit her lip, placing her hand on her chest. 'He's so cute that it hurts.' She straightened up. 'No need to ponder too much on the awful past.' She gestured for them to leave. "Let's get going, shall we?"


"The Rookie Hunt is only allowed for 66 minutes on the day the ban on Battler trial periods is lifted after the lunch break," Asmodeus explained as they all walked. "Some upperclassmen can be quite forceful when it comes to recruiting each year, but I'm sure this will keep any rabble away." He confidently said. 

"Marshmallows, toot, toot, fire!" She roasted her marshmallow over the fire and eat it. "Hey, do you want one, Haya-ki?"

"Sure." She nodded.

Asmodeus started to reprimand her. "Stop that, you!" What caught her attention was the upperclassmen were trying to recruit the first years.   

"Hey, we're with the Flight Battler!"

"Come check us out!" His partner said. 

"Sorry, but I'm really weak..." The first-year said but a large fuzzy demon snatched him up. "If you lack muscles, you just need to build some!" The first-year student was crying out in pain because of his tight grip.

"We are the Combat Battler, and this is our welcoming dance!"

"Hey, now!"

"We were first!"

"No, no."

"You're gonna rip me in half!" The poor demon yelled. 

Another one had put the first year student in trance with his magic. "Now, sign up for the trial..." He signed it. Some brew them in a pot, chased after them, tied them up and drag them, one picked another up in the air and he was terrified. "Save me!" He yelled. 

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