Chapter 1

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Harry's pov

There it was again.

The awful noise of my alarm clock going off.

I opened my eyes, closing them again fast because i wasn't used to the sudden brightness of the sunlight in my eyes.

I groan
I'd do anything to just stay in bed right now but unfortunately, that's not an option. Today's my first day at highschool. Well, this highschool. I've been to so many I've lost count.

My body aches as i walk into the shower. I turn on the water, letting it run over my back. Desperately not wanting to get out of the warm embrace it provides me.

The vanilla-rose scent of my favourite shampoo is everywhere after I'm done with my shower.

I walk over to my dresser pulling out a pair of black skinny jean and my favourite pastel pink jumper.

I open the drawer of my vanity where I store all my skincare and body products and put some moisturisers and serums on.

I then run the tiny applicator of my mascara brush through my lashes, darkening the fine hair.

I dust my cheeks with some blush and apply some strawberry- kiwi flavoured lip gloss, that I then put in my pocket to reapply throughout the day.

I lean my weight on the sink, supporting myself with my hands.
My brown curls dangling into my face.

"When your little boy grows up he's gonna be a womanizer", they always told my mom.

I hated it

Still do.

I look at my reflection and sigh with a small, rather pathetic, smile on my face. The baby blue flower crown is almost falling off my head.

A lot of people in my old schools bullied me for dressing to "girly", even got beat up for it a few times. But I never truly felt nice wearing what other boys wore. I feel beautiful when I dress and look like this. It took me a long time to get to this point and I try no to let the harsh words get to me.

But it's hard.

I feel a few tears brim my eyes as I look down at my hands, remembering the awful names people have called me and done to me.

But I can't let them win.
So I tilt my head back, careful not to ruin my mascara with tears, while
holding my crown down and looking back at myself in the mirror.

"Okay, you can do this" I whisper as I pick up my bag and walk downstairs.

"Morning Mum" I say as I walk into the kitchen, giving my mum a hug and getting up on my tippy toes to kiss her on the cheek.

"Morning baby! I've made you some avocado on toast for breakfast!" She says while pushing over a plate to where I took a seat in front of the kitchen counter.

"Thanks mummy" I say to her, and as much as this looks good, I feel like I'm gonna be sick. My tummy has butterflies all though it and not the good ones. The anxious awful ones that make you feel nervous. I always feel like this going to a new school, and I hate it. You'd think I'd be use to it by now.

"You okay love?" Mum asked.

"Yeah, just a bit nervous" I murmured while poking my food with the fork.

"You'll be fine darling, just....if anyone says anything just ignore them okay? Gotta keep your head up darling, otherwise your crown falls" mum says with a small smile as she gentally grabs my face with her hands.

Thats always been our little saying that she tells me when I'm feeling low, ever since that awful day...


I tried to get home as fast as I could.

My vision blurred from tears.

The irony taste of blood in my mouth.

A sharp pain was going through my body with every step i made.

I held my stomach as i stumble down the dimly lit sidewalk, falling over a few times.

It felt like forever has gone by when  I finally  reached my house. I just couldn't go inside.

Not looking like this.

I went towards our backyard.

Keeping my head down as i passed the kitchen window so my mom wouldn't notice me.

I pressed my back against the house wall.

Darkness overcoming me again and again.

The first aid kit i put under the loose cobblestone was still there, luckily.

I used a tissue and water from the hose to clean the dried blood from my face and hands.

I hissed in pain every time i accidentally hit an open wound.

I was breathing frantically.

My chest going up and down again and again.

After some time i was finally brave enough to go inside.

I put my hood up and pushed the door open, not daring to look into my mothers eyes.

She was standing in the kitchen, making herself a cup of tea.

"Hello love", she greeted me. "How was your day?"

"Great", I mumbled.

My head started to spin again.

I wanted to die right then and there.

Without saying another word i hustled towards the stairs. My hood slipped back a little bit and before i pulled it back down I took a quick glance at my mom.

The look of worry on her face made my heart twist with guilt.

I rushed into my bathroom throwing the door shut behind me.

I stared at the person in the mirror, crying.

Why me?

Why not anyone else?

Why can't I just be like everyone else?

*Flashback over*

I smile at her.

"Thanks mum"

"Okay now eat up baby! You've got 10 minutes until we need to leave"

"Okay. Oh! I forget to ask, can we call and talk to dad tonight?"

Mum smiles sadly at me. "I'm sorry honey, but he's super busy right now. Mabye tomorrow night?"

"You said that yesterday" I whisper sadly.

I rarely got talk to my dad. He's always busy with work. My mum works alot as well, but I get to spend alot more time with her as we live together. But my dad still lives in Italy as we move from place to place. I never get to see him. I just miss him, and always worry about his and mums safety with the sorta job they have.

You see, my parents are the Italian Mafia leaders.

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