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Warnings: alcohol, weapons, mild description of injuries, mention of self-harm, mentions of mania

Summary: If Malcolm had killed Endicott instead of Ainsley and one day he just broke. (415 is the code for 'disturbance of the peace' and by 'bus' Gil means 'ambulance' basically)


Officer (on JT's radio): "I'm gonna need some assistance. I've got a 415 in progress on West 26th Street."

JT: "Isn't that by Bright's place?"

Officer: "White male, 30s. Suspect is armed and appears drunk."

Dani: "Could that be-"

Gil (into JT's radio): "This is Lieutenant Arroyo of the 16th. Describe the Suspect."

Officer: "5'6" maybe 5'7", short blonde hair, wearing jeans and t-shirt. What looks like cuts or scars on both arms. Is he wanted?"

Dani (trying to ignore the information about the cuts): "That has to be him."

Gil (into JT's radio) (pulling on his coat): "Requesting confirmation: you said he was armed?"

Officer: "Correct. He's wielding some sort of pistol. Looks like a collector's. He's either drunk or manic."

JT: "Boss-"

Gil (into JT's radio): "Explain."

Officer: "He's crying and repeating things. Keeps pressing the firearm to his head and saying something about a killer?"

Gil (into JT's radio): "What killer?"

Officer: "I don't know. He's not making any sense. I think he's saying he's a killer? Or someone he knows? He keeps saying 'Whitly'. Is he talking about The Surgeon?"

Gil (into JT's radio): "I'll be there 3 minutes max. Don't let him go anywhere."

Dani: "Gil-"

Gil: "What!?"

Dani: "You heard what that officer said. He's drunk, or worse. We need to think about this."

Gil: "I am thinking. My kid is out there. He is scared and alone. He needs my help."

JT: "We're coming with you."

Gil: "Don't try to stop me."

JT: "He's got a gun. What if he shoots you?"

Gil: "If he's going to shoot anyone it's going to be himself. Come or not, I don't care. Just let me help my son."

(When they get there)

Gil: "Lieutenant Arroyo. Did you call this in?"

Officer: "Yeah. He hasn't stopped rambling."

Dani: "We've got this from here. Standby in case we need backup."

Gil (slowly approaching Malcolm with his hands up): "Bright?"

Malcolm: (doesn't hear him)

Gil: "Malcolm."

Malcolm: (looks up, eyes wide and manic)

Gil: "Malcolm, I need you to listen to me. Everything's going to be okay. I'm here. I need you to put the gun down."

Malcolm: "It's not okay! It's not- it's not okay! Get away from me! Killer- he's a killer! I'm a killer! I did it! I'm him- we're us- we're the same! Edicott killed- I killed- Whitly- I'm Whitly- I'm him!"

Gil: "I'm not leaving you. Tell me what's going on. What happened?"

Malcolm: "I'm Whitly!"

Gil: "Malcolm-"

Malcolm: I need it to stop. (Chokes on a sob and presses the gun to his head)

Gil (trying to stay calm): "Malcolm, please, put the gun down. We can talk about this. Please, just, drop the weapon."

Malcolm: "I need- stop- I need it to stop- stop- make it go away! Shut up!"

Gil: "Kid, please. I need you to put the weapon down. No one needs to get hurt."

Malcolm: "I do! I need- I need to- kill me- shoot me! Please! I need to- I want- you- you need- I hurt them! I- die- I need to-"

Dani and JT: (slowly walking up behind Malcolm)

Gil: "I'm not going to shoot you, Malcolm. I could never do that. Please-"

Malcolm: "I'm dangerous! I'm a killer- I kill- I- killed him! Endicott killed- dad- I- Whitly- I need to- blood on- I- I killed-"

JT: (grabs the gun from Malcolm's hand and throws it to the side and wraps his arms around him)

Dani: (take gun from the floor)

Malcolm: "No! Stop! Get- I need- get off me! I'll hurt- I can't- I'm- killer- I don't- you- please! I need to- my gun! I need- let me go!"

Gil (into his radio): "Dispatch, I need a bus on West 26th. I have a civilian in severe distress."

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